How to Achieve Hydrated Skin Even Through the Driest Months of the Year

It’s no secret that wintertime can be tough on your skin. 

Regardless of your zip code, the winter months are typically accompanied by drier air and dropping temperatures. We also have less of those summery water-rich foods like melons in our diet.

So how can you maintain hydrated skin, even when the odds are stacked against you? 

We’re going to show you all the best tips, resources, and tools to maintain hydrated skin – no matter your skin state. 

We believe prevention is key when it comes to winter skin. Because, as with most things in life, prevention is far easier than healing. Especially when the temperatures continue to stay low, fighting against your progress. 

But healing is always within reach (so hold on to hope if your skin is already feeling dehydrated and lackluster). You’ll just need to give it a little time to heal. 

So, as the seasons change and we begin to dress differently and engage in warming, cozy routines, your skin needs you to make a few adjustments too. Let’s get in tune with winter routines + how to hydrate skin naturally.

Defining Hydrated Skin

Though it may seem a little self-explanatory, it's helpful to really understand what your skin should look + feel like when it's hydrated. 

When it comes down to it, healthy skin = hydrated skin.

It may sound too simple to be true, but even unlikely culprits like acne and aging come down to hydration. As our holistic esthetician, Courtney, points out:

When skin is too dried out (often from harsh acne-fighting ingredients/products), it overcompensates and overproduces oil that can contribute to breakouts. So a balanced moisture barrier is also essential for acne, inflammation, and sensitive skin.”

Healthy skin should have a healthy moisture barrier. This outer protective layer keeps moisture locked in, even against environmental factors. So the youthful skin you’re striving for is moisturized and hydrated skin. 

Knowing this makes it feel less complicated + more attainable.  

The jello skin fad is a prime example of what your skin should look like if it’s at its optimal state of hydration + health. It should feel bouncy, plump, and smooth to the touch.

Signs of Dehydrated Skin

Here are signs to watch for when determining if your skin is dehydrated.

  • Tightness
  • Flaking
  • Redness or discomfort
  • Scaly looking texture
  • Over-oily (dryness makes oil production increase)
  • Larger pore size

But remember, dry skin is more of your skin's natural state/tendency. Dehydrated skin, on the other hand, can be a temporary skin state.

These practices will support your skin whether you’re experiencing dehydrated skin signs or looking to keep your skin supple and hydrated throughout the winter months.

Practices That Support Healthy Skin

As we mentioned, prevention is key to nourished skin that’s happy all winter long. Here are some tried + true ways to support skin that’s naturally hydrated:

At-Home Topical Practices: 

These are easy at-home recs you can do yourself. ;) 

  • Use a facial dry brush to help eliminate any (dry) dead skin cells. This also encourages natural cell turnover while boosting lymphatic flow to bring nutrients to the surface. 
  • Implement facial rolling regularly. Rollers stimulate collagen production + improve product absorption – both of which will contribute to healthy moisture.
  • Include animal-based products that match your skin’s chemistry. We know from ancestral wisdom that ingredients like tallow, emu oil, and honey can add to the hydration levels in your skin.
  • Pick up your gua sha stone once a day. Gua sha is excellent for circulation and brings nutrients to keep your skin plump and hydrated.
  • Try out nighttime slugging. This practice applies an occlusive, reparative balm at the end of your skincare routine to absorb overnight for rich, deep moisture, allowing you to wake up to beautifully hydrated skin.
  • Use the “sandwiching” method of misting before and after moisturizer/serums to lock in extra moisture. You can even keep a travel-size mist with you for boosts of hydration throughout your day. Plus, it’s refreshing and calming! 
  • Steam your face with a washcloth or steam bath. Incorporate a quick washcloth steam into your routine OR indulge in a full steam bath. You’ll want to boil water + add sea salt and essential oils (we love eucalyptus, peppermint, or lavender). Cover your head for 10-15 minutes with a towel, letting the steam sink into your skin. It’ll decongest and cleanse the skin, with added hydration delivered straight to your pores. 
  • Spray your plumping mist or cream before windy or cold weather. Doing one (or both) will give your skin an added layer of protection.
  • Choose a moisturizing mask that includes honey. We love our plumping mask infused with honey, hydrating bakuchiol, and lightly exfoliating spirulina.
  • Try out a CBD-infused product. CBD soothes skin and boosts collagen production. It’s known to help with dry conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

If you struggle with acne, be sure to work around active breakouts with any facial tools. 

Maybe you already do many of these things and want to invest in routine treatment with a professional. Say no more. ;)

Facial Treatments That Support Hydration

When getting facial treatments, you want nutrient-dense/hydration-building products. Be sure your esthetician uses non-toxic products that don’t strip your delicate skin. If you want to seek professional support from your esthetician, these are our favorite options for boosting your skin’s hydrated state:

  • Dermaplaningthis is a gentle exfoliating treatment your esthetician can administer in addition to your routine facial. Just ask if they offer it – most do.

  • Facial Massageof course, you could do this at home. But it just feels better when done by someone else, right? ;) Facial massage boosts flow and circulation to deliver healing and protective nutrients to your skin. 

  • You can try a variety of massages at our spa – like manual lymphatic drainage, gua sha, and buccal. 

  • Cosmetic acupuncturea gentle Chinese medicine treatment that activates lymph flow and qi. This boosts collagen production and elasticity – critical components of getting your skin hydrated.

  • But we believe skin that’s hydrated doesn’t come only from external efforts – you need to prioritize internal hydration too.

    Don’t Forget About Internal Hydration

    Internal hydration is something we cover a lot at PP. Because your skin will thank you (and so will your body!). Here’s how to boost skin hydration from the inside out:

    • Drink lots of water-based drinks + foods. Tip: gel water is the superior option when it comes to internal hydration. (Check out this fun gel water recipe from our esthetician.)
    • Have a balanced diet with healthy fats. Avoiding harmful fats like seed oil gives your cells a strong foundation to fight winter temps since they’re mostly made of fat.
    • Include bone broth in your diet. It contains collagen and other skin-regenerative ingredients to boost moisture. 

    Beyond nutrition, there are plenty of ways to support supple, healthy, + moisturized skin. Lifestyle plays a role too.

    Build a Lifestyle to Support Your Skin’s Hydration

    It may sound weird that your lifestyle choices can lead to your skin being hydrated, but there’s proof behind the logic. Check out these tips: 

    • Increase your sweat output. Sweat is moisturizing to your skin.1 But it’s important to note: this doesn’t mean you should leave sweat on your skin – hygiene is important too.
    • Work on building better sleep. Your skin does the most transformative + healing work overnight, so deep/restful sleep can contribute to healthier, moisturized skin.
    • Decrease caffeine + alcohol intake. These beverages, though tasty, are dehydrating drinks. In excess, they’re prone to cause the dreaded dehydrated skin signs.
    • Avoid sugar as much as possible. We know this one is hard. It’s difficult to detox from sugar and even harder to avoid it outside your home. But excess sugar increases premature aging, which is essentially dry skin.
    • Track your skin and cycles. Your skin will experience different levels of hormones and oil production throughout your hormonal cycles, shifting your skin needs.

    Together, these tips will set you up for the most supple, nourished skin. Build the healthiest habits you can to nourish your body and skin. So you can become the healthiest and happiest version of yourself.

    Avoid Products With a Drying Effect

    There are a few key things to avoid so you can maintain hydrated, happy skin. Though they aren’t advertised as having a drying effect, avoid these products/ingredients:

    • Mineral oils they’re made from petroleum
    • Retin-A/retinoid products – create sensitive, peeling, and flaking skin
    • Salicylic acid dries out skin in the process of trying to resolve acne

    In addition to drying your skin, many of these products are also known as endocrine disruptors. Instead, opt for natural moisture-rich ingredients, like nourishing fats + oils.

    Whew! What a list, right? But don’t get overwhelmed – this is meant to be a comprehensive guide. You don’t have to do all these things to see your skin hydrated. Even a few habit shifts or added practices can make all the difference in the world!

    With a Little Effort, You Can Have the Hydrated Skin of Your Dreams

    The great thing about maintaining hydrated skin? There’s no strict rule or only one way to do it. There are various ways to naturally moisturize your skin to keep it happy. 

    Which of these sound like the best pairing for your lifestyle or interests? 

    Incorporating one or two more involved practices a week and a few simple things into your daily routine will support supple, nourished skin. 

    How you choose to do it is up to you. 

    Here’s to you + your beautiful skin being hydrated – all winter long. 

    You’ve got this, 



    1. National Library of Medicine | Functions of the Skin Microbiota in Health and Disease


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    This is your go-to resource for building + maintaining hydrated skin if you find yourself with dry, flaky skin due to winter temps or dry air. | Primally Pure Skincare