6 Ways to Sweat More So You Can Gain All the Health Benefits of Sweating

Last week, we took the time to set the record straight on all things sweat. We wanted to show you why sweating is healthy so you can embrace your sweat. If you missed that post, check it out here before you dive in – you might be surprised by what you learn!

Today we wanted to show you how you can work sweat into your routine in a variety of creative, fun, and engaging ways. With these ideas, it’ll be easier than ever for you to gain all the health benefits of sweating with none of the headaches!

Depending on where you live, you might not need any help sweating (hot/humid cities, looking at you). But regardless of the climate outside, it’s always good to have a list of resources in your back pocket to make sure you’ve got a variety of options. Because sometimes the humidity of the summer months is too much (ahem, suffocating) for outdoor activities.

No matter the season or the temperature, it’s essential that you find the time to sweat as often as possible – year-round. Here are six awesome ideas to boost your sweat sessions and harness all the health benefits of sweating.

1. Swap for a Non-Toxic Deodorant That Allows Your Body to Sweat

Without this step, you’re potentially missing out on a lot of the health benefits of sweating so it’s crucial to start here!

If you haven’t thrown out your conventional deodorant yet, swap it for a non-toxic deodorant made from natural ingredients that let your pits breathe + sweat. 

Many traditional deodorants are antiperspirants, meaning they inhibit your glands from producing sweat. You don’t want to block all the health benefits of sweating – sweat helps cleanse, detox, and support your whole-body health.1

Aside from all the health benefits of sweating, it’s just unnecessary to block a normal bodily process. Not to mention the toxic fragrance you’ll find lurking in many deodorants.

Say no to antiperspirants and conventional deodorants to gain the health benefits of sweating.

P.S. While you might assume a natural deodorant is all you’ll need – we won’t beat around the bush – there’s more. Your natural deodorant needs to also be a non-toxic deodorant. Here’s why.

2. Find a New Exercise Style You Enjoy 

While we know strenuous exercise will allow you to work up more of a sweat and provide robust health benefits, any form of movement is still great for your body – and for more reasons than just the health benefits of sweating.

Don’t be afraid to test the waters with a new style of exercise that might feel more relaxing to you. All forms of exercise will rejuvenate your mind to handle stress, build critical muscles, and send feel-good endorphins flowing through your body.2 

If your budget is tight, try a monthly workout subscription app or your local YMCA for some inexpensive classes. You can dip your toes into some new exercise options and get your sweat on.

You might even find an unconventional workout like tai chi or an aerial class becomes your new favorite way to unwind after a long day.

3. Soak up Some Heat + Relaxation in the Sauna

Time in the sauna is a great way to sweat quickly, in large volumes, and get your heart rate up without physically exerting yourself. 

Studies have shown the numerous health benefits of sweating in a sauna, including:3

→ Detoxification for your body
→ Increased metabolism
→ Weight loss
→ Improved blood circulation
→ Pain reduction
→ Anti-aging effects
→ Better cardiovascular + immune function

There’s even evidence of profound psychological health benefits of sweating in a sauna.3 (Sign us up!) 

Important note: sauna exposure may not be suitable for those with low blood pressure (so if you have concerns, please consult with your doctor first).

4. Spend Time Outside During the Summer

Spending time in nature is good for our souls but also our bodies. Most of us know this, but it can’t be overstated!

The concept of “grounding” or putting your bare feet directly on the ground outside can reduce inflammation, improve immune function, and speed up wound healing.4

So do yourself a favor and step outside into the heat, and embrace your sweat. If going out in the summer feels like a chore because you have to wear sunscreen, you might want to check out our unconventional take on sunscreen – you’ll find it helpful.

Plus, regardless of how little or how much time you spend outside, even 10 minutes a day is enough to increase your Vitamin D levels!

5. Sweat Hack: Take a Hot Bath

We all love a self-care moment. Especially self-care rooted in science that does good for your physical body too, not just your mental and emotional health. 

A recent study found that taking a hot bath can actually burn as many calories as a 30-minute walk.5

Yes, please! Feeling too tired at the end of a long day for a stroll outside? No prob, throw some therapeutic salts in your bath for some relaxing vibes + you time.

6. Take a Hot Yoga Class

Along with the known benefits of yoga practice, hot yoga adds another dimension to this calming, grounding, and intentional practice. If you can handle the heat, hot yoga is an excellent way to up your sweat volume.

And just FYI, most hot yoga classes will hover from 92-105 degrees.

We love hot yoga not only for its emotionally cleansing powers but also for its recently confirmed skin health benefits. Yep, hot yoga is good for your skin.

A study from 2020 showed that after 12 weeks of hot yoga (2x/week), participants had better moisture levels in their skin, more elasticity, and better texture.6  

(Umm, be right back, gonna go sign up for the closest hot yoga class.)

Don’t Miss Out on the Incredible Health Benefits of Sweating  

The bottom line: There’s no doubt sweating is beneficial. You should definitely make it a regular part of your routine to keep your body and mind top-notch. 

Ready to get your sweat on but need some extra support in the odor department.

Our natural, non-toxic deodorant is cleanly-sourced, science-backed, and wildly effective.

Check out our newest scent in our lineup, our Vanilla + Citrus non-toxic deodorant.

Your non-toxic deodorant paired with a positive mindset means you’ve got nothing to fear when it comes to sweating. All the health benefits of sweating are yours for the taking.


  1. National Library of Medicine | Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury in Sweat: A Systematic Review
  2. Mayo Clinic | Exercise and Stress: Get Moving to Manage Stress
  3. National Library of Medicine | Clinical Effects of Regular Dry Sauna Bathing: A Systematic Review
  4. National Library of Medicine | The Effects of Grounding (Earthing) On Inflammation, the Immune Response, Wound Healing, and Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory and Autoimmune Diseases 
  5. ABC | Hot Bath Just as Good as 30 Minutes of Exercise, Study Says 
  6. J-Stage Glycative Stress Research | Hot Yoga Increases SIRT6 Gene Expression, Inhibits ROS Generation, and Improves Skin Condition

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6 Ways to Sweat More So You Can Gain All the Health Benefits of Sweating | Primally Pure Skincare