8 Easy Habits To Infuse Health Into Your Day (Self-Health Series Part 2)

Self-health is investing in your health (mind, body and spirit) for the sake of being the most alive, vibrant and present version of yourself for those you love. Find out our favorite self-health tools + practical tips in Part 1 in this blog series and keep scrolling below for Part 2 and the best lifestyle habits to add to your day-to-day.

After years of working with women to cultivate healthier, more intentional lives, one thing is clear… we don’t need tons of hours spent every day to make us feel good from the inside out.

We need tiny upgrades. The smallest of tweaks and easy lifts that make sense for fast, full lives we all live. Whether that’s in the kitchen with recipes that are 5 ingredients or less, how you organize your day or simplified skincare and beauty routines, I’m all about keeping it simple.

I’m a big believer that being healthy doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to mean elaborate routines and hours spent each day on being our best selves. Who even has the time for that?!

Instead, it’s all about creating tiny moments for yourself throughout the day— no matter what’s going on around you— to take care of yourself: your body, mind, heart and spirit.

I just had my second baby, so I wanted to share some of the *tiny* ways I’ve been infusing self-health into my day-to-day and finding those moments of peace, calm and grounding, even in this busy season of life.

1. Make my morning matcha (or chai or healthy bev of choice)

My morning matcha ritual is a WHOLE mood. It takes about 5 minutes from start to finish, but it reminds me to take care & be intentional about what I put in my body that day.

As a mom, a lot of my time is around feeding and nourishing my family right now. My time for myself is very limited... BUT (!) that doesn’t mean I can’t create moments for myself— to feed and nourish my body too so that I have the energy to do it for everyone else too. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or even the same daily.

2. Set the mood for everyone to feel calm and relaxed as we walk into our days 

Starting the day on the right foot is so important to me. We have two choices: we can get up frazzled and frantic and throw things together as we rush out the door. Or, we can set the tone for everyone in the house to feel calm & relaxed as we walk into our days with just a few EASY steps.

I turn on a calm playlist in the background which, for us, totally sets tone for the day (unless my 3-year-old gets to pick and it’s Daniel Tiger for the millionth time). I light a natural beeswax candle or do essential oil in a diffuser for some extra calm. Then, I try to serve breakfast & sit down with the babies if I can as I drink my matcha/chai for a little quality time before everyone’s day starts. It’s amazing how this time together with a calming environment can actually transform all of our days.

3. Get dressed (but keep it comfy and functional)

This mama is totally team “wear the leggings as real pants” so I’m not saying you need to throw on a pair of skinny jeans every day, BUT… there is something powerful about just changing into daytime clothes that make you feel good. Meaning, comfortable AND confident. I’m all about function and comfort in my daily outfits, and getting dressed makes me feel like I’m starting the day off putting my best self forward.

4. Have a healthy mid-morning snack and then (gasp!)... an actual lunch

I attempt to make it something homemade (with real ingredients), but simple things like mixed nuts, dried fruit, smoothies, etc. It’s important to keep real food around! What goes in your body = how much energy and what your mood is like to pour into everything else in your day. Good stuff in means you can create and sprinkle goodness everywhere else!

Also on this note, I make sure I eat an actual lunch each day. So many women especially don’t— they’re too busy. I get it (because I’ve done it, too), but it always backfires! Take 10 minutes to eat a nourishing lunch and it can change your day. Some of my go-tos are smoothie bowls, big salads with quinoa, or a bowl of leftover soup!

5. Set the afternoon mood

Ever feel that 2 or 3pm slump where your energy just goes out the door? I promise, another cup of coffee usually isn’t the fix. Try lighting a candle or doing a vibrant essential oil in a diffuser. I do this every afternoon and it always lifts my mood & energy!

6. Fit in a walk (no matter how short or long)

As a mama x2, real workouts are harder to come by in this season. But my daily walks are a nonnegotiable. They calm my nervous system and give me fresh air to think, let things go, come back to myself, be in nature and let it recalibrate me for the afternoon & evening while both kids nap.

7. Make dinner, but leave the all-or-nothing mentality behind

Again, what you eat = direct correlation to how you show up in your day and for your people and for the things that matter! But my goal for pretty much ALL meals and snacks is 5 ingredients or less, and made in 15 minutes or less. It doesn’t need to be fancy or 7 courses or super elaborate for it to count.

You can browse my blog here for lots of simple, quick recipe inspo, and I also have a cooking club membership that makes meal planning, shopping, cooking & making healthy meals even easier (and quicker)!

8. A self-care moment for me at night

After the babies are in bed, it’s mama time. Aka, time to pour into my own wants & needs after caring for others all day.

At night, I always take a shower or bath and do my Primally Pure Cleansing Oil or Plumping Mask. If it’s a bath and I have more time before crawling into bed, I’ll do the Sea Salt Bath Soak, too. This is my energetic & physical cleansing of the day. It truly feels like a spa, even if it’s just for 5 minutes. This tiny ritual signals my body to turn on the parasympathetic nervous system and calm the entire nervous system to wind down for sleep. Then I have my nightly tea (peppermint or fennel for digestion) & take my magnesium for better sleep!

I hope this helps you see that healthy, intentional days don’t need 1.5-hour-long workouts or crazy long and elaborate meals or skincare routines. It’s a few minutes here and there, thoughtfully setting the mood and eating REAL food and keeping it simple and pouring into you (so that you can also give to others). These tiny moments & choices truly make all the difference in the world.

For more clean living tips and inspo, follow Sarah on Instagram and visit her website!

8 Easy Habits To Infuse Health Into Your Day  (Self-Health Series Part 2)

Sarah Adler

Sarah Adler is the owner of Simply Real Health, author of The Simply Real Health Cookbook & the Simply Real Eating cookbook, and mama to two littles. Her mission is to help more women live healthier, more intentional lives—but using swaps and rituals that are actually simple (yet life changing). She lives in Seattle with her husband and babies, and she lives for a good cup of matcha, long walks (no matter the weather), and cooking simple, nourishing meals for the people she loves.