How to Optimize Wellness With Little Ones Present

Self-health: the act of investing in your health (mind, body and spirit) for the sake of being the most alive, vibrant and present version of yourself for those you love.

Self-care trends have been on the rise in society for years - and for good reason. Caring for ourselves and prioritizing our health is important and isn’t something that should be neglected. When we lack the motivation to invest in our health and well-being, our ability to be present for those around us and the purpose we’ve been created for can be negatively affected.

On the flipside, over-emphasizing health and wellness can lead to an unhealthy obsession with self, something that doesn’t result in lasting joy or fulfillment. 

This month, we’ve been focusing on a term we like to refer to as self-health, defined above. Self-health is a purpose-driven concept. Its motivation stems from a desire to best steward the body and life we’ve been given, while self-care and self love-trends are often rooted in self-obsession

Prioritizing mental + physical well-being as a parent can be difficult.

As a wife, mom of two and business owner, I often feel like I could use more time to devote to improving my personal health + wellness than I actually’s not that I wouldn’t love to spend half a day pampering myself multiple times a week, but for most of us, that usually isn’t realistic.

As someone who tends to go “all-in” when I set my mind to something (improving my health has been one of those things on and off at different phases in my life), I’ve often felt frustrated by how difficult it can sometimes be to fit workouts, journaling or [fill in the blank] into my day as a parent.

So instead of falling into the cycle of setting high expectations followed by disappointment, I’ve become quite creative in figuring out how to promote mental and physical well-being while spending time with little ones in ways that are enjoyable for everyone involved!

It’s not always the easiest thing to cultivate health + wellness with kids present, but the benefits are worthwhile (not only for the purpose of optimizing my own health, but also in creating memories with my children and setting a healthy example).

Here are a few of my favorite ways to practice self-health with little ones.

  • Morning walks with my kids (we all get fresh air + sunshine, and I usually give them blueberries or a snack that they can munch on for awhile which allows me to enjoy a few minutes of silence)
  • Picnics at the park, beach or wherever!
  • Baking something healthy and yummy together (sometimes baking with kids can feel stressful, but I’ve also found that it can be fun + therapeutic if there are no expectations or time constraints)
  • Setting the tone for the day each morning by diffusing essential oils (I’m currently loving our Autumn EO Blend) and playing upbeat/fun music
  • Family breathing exercises
  • Setting up a portable chair or blanket somewhere outdoors and reading a good book while the kids play
  • Morning stretch sessions together

  • Family Prayer Time

I hope some of these ideas were helpful for all of you mamas who, like me, are seeking to infuse a bit more health into everyday life while inspiring your children to live their most full, vibrant lives.

I’d love to hear what you think and what works for your family - let me know your thoughts in the comments section below!

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How to Optimize Wellness With Little Ones Present | Primally Pure Skincare

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Bethany McDaniel

Bethany is the Founder of Primally Pure and lives in Southern California with her husband and two daughters. Having used all sorts of harsh prescription creams to treat her acne as a teenager and young adult (and dealing with red, raw, irritated skin as a result), Bethany was blown away by the effects she eventually experienced after ditching the harsh chemicals and replacing them with natural ingredients. Bethany’s journey inspired her to start Primally Pure (with an initial $250 order for ingredients + supplies) to help others experience the benefits of using clean products. In addition to leading the PP Team and envisioning new product ideas, Bethany is passionate about all things clean living, biohacking and personal growth - as well as taking regular tropical vacations with her family to reset + refresh.