Holistic (And Unconventional) Spring Cleaning Tips
Spring offers a renewed start, a clean slate. And I think we’re all ready for the fresh energy that spring gives. This time of year, shedding layers, decluttering and surrounding your home with signs of spring just makes sense.
A typical way to welcome this new season and all the spring feels is, of course, spring cleaning. But in today’s post, we’re taking spring cleaning a little bit deeper. Hence, the holistic (and unconventional) part of this post. 😉
Practically speaking, we’re looking at ways to help cleanse your home and create a space that supports health + healing, instead of contributing to toxic buildup and disease (did you know studies have actually proven that the air quality indoors can be more toxic than outside?!).
And more than just emptying the junk drawer, clutter and toxic buildup can come in many forms: practically, energetically and emotionally. Incorporating cleansing and clearing practices within your home, and within your self, has been shown to calm the nervous system and promote a sense of well-being. A cleaner home and a healthier self? Who knew spring cleaning could be so life-changing.
Keep scrolling for a few of our favorite, unconventional ways to welcome the fresh, cleansing energy of spring and to welcome a lighter way of living, inside and out.
Here are a a few simple, practical ways you can detoxify your home and promote wellness within these walls:
Surprisingly, the level of pollutants inside the home can be a hundred times higher than outside (according to the EPA) and can contribute to significant health issues. And the products you spray, pump and apply have a big part to play in that statistic. One easy and very powerful way to detoxify your home (and declutter at the same time!) is to swap the products you use in your home.
With so many endocrine-disrupting, disease-contributing chemicals in conventional home + cleaning products (like air fresheners, artificially scented candles and skin-stripping hand soaps), it’s SO important to declutter (aka toss in the trash) toxic products and swap them for solutions that are safe for your whole family while supporting wellness at home.
Product Tip: Simplify the products in your home (and ingredient lists) with our Spring Home Collection to cleanse your home, holistically! Detoxify indoor air with a few spritzes of the Spring Room Spray, diffuse the Spring Oil Blend to purify your space and cleanse your delicate skin with the Spring Hand Soap.
Adding houseplants to your space not only helps to brighten and beautify your home but helps to produce fresh oxygen, eliminate air pollutants and detox indoor spaces. Surround your space with all things green to purify (and humidify = hello happy skin) the air while improving mood, reducing stress, and enhancing wellness. This spring there’s no better time to become a plant lady. 😉
Here are our fav purifying plants to cleanse your home – and create the prettiest vibes:
- Snake Plant: Purifies, produces oxygen and decreases carbon dioxide.
- Rubber Plant: This hearty plant helps keep air clean (and no worries if you don’t have a green thumb!).
- Bamboo Palm: Helps to remove chemical contaminants and create a zen space.
- Boston Fern: One of the best options for decreasing pollutants and increasing humidity.
- Dwarf Date Palm: Fill your home with all the tropical feels while detoxing indoor air pollution.
When we think about spring cleaning, the floors, closets and kitchen may come to mind first. But what about the air you’re surrounded by, day in and day out?
With the hidden dangers associated with indoor air (leading to short-term and even long-term conditions), proper ventilation is everything. To help decrease contaminants and improve air quality, all you need to do is welcome in that fresh spring breeze!
Make it a point every single day to open your windows and doors for at least 15 minutes – or longer, if you can! This season offers us a chance to finally welcome in that warmer spring breeze, minimize indoor pollutants and create an atmosphere inside that optimizes healing + well-being – instead of taking away from it.
Product Tip: If you want to take it a step further, you can also invest in a high-quality air cleaning device to detoxify airborne particles and purify the air within your home!
Our home is a collection of things and energy – and sometimes all it takes is just a simple tweak to cleanse your space and leave it feeling lighter + brighter.
Filling your home with powerful plant medicine (instead of harmful, artificial fragrances) in the form of diffusing organic essential oils offers metaphysical benefits that you can immediately feel. Specific plants not only help to purify your home, but provide powerful clearing, detoxifying and energetically grounding properties.
Here are some of our favorite essential oils to promote lightness in your space and spirit:
- Pink Grapefruit: Refreshing and uplifting to cultivate a positive atmosphere and mindset.
- Wild Lavender: Calming and cleansing to balance the emotional body and soothe stress.
- White Sage: Purifying and detoxifying to enhance peace and clarity in mind and spirit.
- Palo Santo: Grounding and relaxing to inspire calm, purity and harmony, holistically.
Bet you didn’t know your room spray or oil diffuser blend could do all this. 😉
Product Tip: Mist, diffuse or cleanse with this awakening blend in our Spring Home Collection to support peace, clarity and harmony, holistically.
Spring is known for all things new. So one of the easiest ways to freshen up your home and get stagnant energy flowing is by rearranging furniture! The simple act of moving things around will release congested energy and create space to welcome the new. It can be as simple as shifting your living room layout or, if you live in a little apartment like me, swapping out decor for a fresh, renewed feel.
Similar to focusing on seasonal food for optimal health, try taking a cue from spring for your decor decisions! Your surroundings impact your well-being and state of mind so bring out the lighter textures and spring-like colors for a sense of lightness in your space and spirit. Add a plant or two (like the ones we mentioned above!) and pack away darker tones and heavier fabrics for spring-inspired colors and textures to emerge from the cozy cocoon we’ve created.
Product Tip: After rearranging furniture and refreshing your spring decor, for a final energetic cleansing, mist your linens, pillows and air with this invigorating mist to freshen and feel like your home got a full facelift.
This season invites us to let go and shed old layers – and not just our winter jacket. Closets, corners and cabinets can store lots of clutter that can actually have a hold on your heart, believe it or not. Clearing things physically within your home can actually help you feel more clear + spacious within your self.
But overhauling can be overwhelming, so start slow when it comes to letting go. Focus on cleansing one area at a time, with intention, grace and gratitude. Giving gratitude for seasons past and memories attached to different items is a powerful practice as you place the item in the giveaway pile. But if you’re not totally ready to say goodbye (but know you need to declutter and create space), try taking a photo to save the memory and to look back on when nostalgia strikes.
Let go, Marie Kondo style, and ask yourself these questions:
- Does it add joy to my life?
- Does it add beauty to my life?
- Does it add purpose to my life?
Finally letting go and releasing old items can sometimes be the most freeing feeling – even if it feels hard at first. You may also find that after you get started, it inspires momentum, motivation and gets energy moving to continue this cleansing practice in other areas of your home – and life. This spring, let go of what no longer serves you and move through life lighter and more clear than ever before.
Home is not only the walls surrounding us, but the body and soul in which we live and move and breathe. Just as we intentionally take time to cleanse our home, let’s cultivate practices that support a clearing and cleansing within as well.
Yoga is one our favorite ways to get our bodies moving and impact our internal well-being because it’s the marriage of movement and breath – two of the most powerful cleansing practices. And there’s no better way to bring clarity to your mind, cleansing to your body and balancing to your emotions than by taking long intentional inhales + exhales during a spinal twist.
Movement and breath is a powerful and proven way to help release emotions, cleanse the body through lymphatic drainage, and increase circulation and oxygen. Starting your day with deep breathing and a simple yoga practice is balancing not only for your physical self, but your emotional body as well.
Follow this simple breathing ritual for a moment of cleansing and calm:
- Inhale through your nose for 3 counts
- Hold breath for 3 counts
- Exhale through your mouth for 6 counts
Product Tip: Enhance the benefits of your yoga practice or breathing exercises with the energetic and cleansing benefits from this Spring Room Spray – mist your mat before your downward dog and spritz the air surrounding your to deeply inhale and receive its cleansing energy.
2 minutes to flush out toxins (and negative emotions), exfoliate skin and uplift energy levels? Done! This ancient practice incorporates light, gentle strokes with a dry brush to stimulate lymphatic fluid, support circulation, slough off dead/dry skin buildup and aid in detoxification – while also helping to clear out stagnant emotions and create a more positive mindset.
Before showering or taking an epsom salt bath (another one of our favorite ways to cleanse + detox!), add dry brushing to your wellness routine to detox daily, reveal healthier, glowing skin and feel even more invigorated! This spring, a daily ritual of dry brushing can do more for your skin and soul than you ever thought possible. 🙂
Product Tip: We swear by this dry brush for your body and stay tuned for a brand new dry brush specifically created for your delicate facial skin!
One of the biggest ways to detoxify what no longer serves + supports you, is through the power of the mind – and putting pen to paper. While this detox process can sometimes feel even more intimidating than organizing your house, it’s one that is SO worth it.
Did you know that your thought life directly affects your physical and emotional health? So no matter what thought patterns may be circling around in your mind (maybe it’s anxiety, insecurity, fear, or unforgiveness), negative mindsets wreak havoc on the health of your mind, soul and body.
Putting pen to paper and expressing gratitude –and even processing challenging or negative feelings – is a powerful practice that is proven to support a clearer, more calm mindset and helps release whatever has been lingering and no longer serves you. Detoxify stuck or stagnant emotions by writing/journaling (with no pressure, no expectations) for 15 minutes every day and see what surfaces.
Practicing gratitude and adopting a daily mantra of “Thank You” while giving yourself space to process deeper emotions is one ritual that is proven to minimize toxic thoughts and replace them with a lighter, more loving mindset.
Product Tip: Set up a safe, comfortable space to journal, put this essential oil blend in your diffuser and brain dump!
Our home and surroundings truly do have an impact on our well-being, so this spring we hope you take full advantage of this fresh energy to incorporate these cleansing swaps and clearing practices – and we promise, the ripple effect (and this new sense of wellness) will be felt long after spring has gone. XO
What spring cleaning tips are you incorporating this season? Which ones from this list will you try? Share with our team in the comments below!
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