How To Create A Space That Promotes Peace + Wellness

Whether we realize it or not, our physical environment really does have an impact on our emotional well-being and everyday wellness.

But among the inevitable responsibilities + distractions of the day (hours of running errands, a long chaotic commute or just another mundane day at the office), it can be tough to find times and places that help to restore a sense of calm and quiet.

Creating a home you can return to after a long day that makes you feel comfortable, peaceful, and inspired makes a significant difference for your mood, mind, and overall sense of wellness.

A little intention goes a long way when it comes to where you live.

Start small by designating at least one room (or just one corner) in your home to create a space that promotes peace and wellness. Choose a spot to retreat to that fits your lifestyle – if you live alone the living room might become your peaceful place, but if you’re a parent and that space has been overrun by kiddos, maybe a cozy nook in your bedroom might be best.

Now that you have a spot in mind to make more relaxing, here are 4 ways to get started:

Bring Nature Indoors

You can experience the calming effects of nature even when you’re inside. Take a break from the rush of daily life and surround yourself with life-giving greenery. Living plants help to purify the air and have even been proven to improve mood and memory, reduce stress and fatigue, and enhance well-being.

Still cultivating your green thumb? No worries. Surround your space with an art piece made from driftwood, a fresh bouquet of wildflowers, an earth-tone + ethically-made throw, or even a big window that welcomes the sunshine. You can even incorporate furniture pieces and decor that are made from recycled natural resources. Adding natural scenery + decor in your home will help to support a more serene and mindful feeling.

Mood Lighting

A little ambiance gives an immediate sense of relaxation to any room. Harsh lighting interrupts your circadian rhythm and throws off your sleep cycle – the last thing we want after a long day. Be sure to keep light fixtures low (or off entirely) and incorporate a more muted light with a lamp that fits the style of your space.

Also, lighting a non-toxic candle (scented only with essential oils instead of synthetic scents) can offer some serious aromatherapy + well-being benefits. Plus, mood lighting always brings a little hygge to your home. These simple lighting swaps can add an instant sense of calm in your home and help you unwind more easily.


Be mindful of keeping clutter to a minimum and minimizing distractions in the space you’ve designated as your retreat. Incorporate functional decor pieces, like storage ottomans or woven baskets, to hide or to tastefully organize items you’re not using in the moment.

Practically speaking, a clean space helps to promote a more peaceful home. Be sure to always use non-toxic cleaning products to not only leave your home sparkling, but safe for your whole family.

Personal Touches

Most importantly, surround yourself with what you love. Decorating with reminders of the people and places you love such as framed photos of friends, love notes or treasures from a trip, can easily instill a sense of gratitude and meaning in your day-to-day.

At the end (or the beginning!) of your day, clearing your head and taking time to reset in a relaxing environment is vital to improving your mental health and mood. We hope you’ll keep these tips in mind when creating a space that promotes a peaceful atmosphere to let go and recharge after a long day.


Our physical environment makes a big impact on our emotional well-being + everyday wellness. Here are 4 tips in creating a home to promote peace + wellness! | Primally Pure Skincare

Courtney O’Connor

Courtney Joy O’Connor is Primally Pure’s In-House Holistic Esthetician and Content Curator. Being in the beauty industry for over a decade, her experience + expertise with pure products, the healing power of touch and holistic skincare rituals are at the core of all she creates. She has trained extensively with industry experts across the country to offer her community the most educational content and transformative treatments. Courtney lives at the beach with her plant babies and loves road tripping, blending superfood bliss balls and exploring our big, beautiful world.