Podcast: How To Use Customer Feedback To Transform Your Biz (With Our Founder Bethany McDaniel)

Ever since a friend of mine turned me on to The Goal Digger Podcast a little over a year ago, I’ve been hooked! Each episode of Goal Digger is filled with wisdom, helpful insights, real examples and a whole lot of inspiration. I remember binge listening for hours on end when I first became a Goal Digger fan – I couldn’t wait to dig into my business and make adjustments + try new things.

When Jenna asked me to come on the show as a guest, I jumped at the chance to share the story of how Primally Pure came to be (as well as the many challenges we’ve faced and victories we’ve had along the way).

In this episode, we chat about why done is better than perfect, why customer feedback matters and how to use it to shape your business, and why it’s SO important to be adaptable as a business owner.

I’m incredibly passionate about these topics because I know so many people with great ideas and talents who hold back from sharing them with the world out of a fear of failure or a loss for where to even start.

I felt the same way in the beginning (and still do a lot of the time!) but every day I say a prayer, spend time thinking about what I want to accomplish and try my best to view every challenge as an opportunity to learn/grow instead of letting the hard things get me down.

Click here to listen to my chat with Jenna.

It’s my hope that you’ll enjoy listening to this episode as much as I enjoyed recording it! Feel free to leave a comment with any questions, takeaways or insights. I’d love to hear your thoughts!


Primally Pure founder Bethany McDaniel chats with Jenna Kutcher about why customer feedback matters and how to use it to shape your business. Click to listen! | Primally Pure Skincare

Bethany McDaniel

Bethany is the Founder of Primally Pure and lives in Southern California with her husband and two daughters. Having used all sorts of harsh prescription creams to treat her acne as a teenager and young adult (and dealing with red, raw, irritated skin as a result), Bethany was blown away by the effects she eventually experienced after ditching the harsh chemicals and replacing them with natural ingredients. Bethany’s journey inspired her to start Primally Pure (with an initial $250 order for ingredients + supplies) to help others experience the benefits of using clean products. In addition to leading the PP Team and envisioning new product ideas, Bethany is passionate about all things clean living, biohacking and personal growth - as well as taking regular tropical vacations with her family to reset + refresh.