Start the Swap: Cleansing Oil DIY, Tips + How Tos

The products you use on a daily basis are a big deal - because applying endocrine-disrupting chemicals and artificial fragrances found in conventional products can contribute to some serious health conditions over time. But we get it, you might have some hesitations when it comes to overhauling your products, so we want to help you start the swap!

All month long, we’re doing a blog series to empower you (and those you love!) to detox your products and #starttheswap - with our top product swaps, expert tips + how-tos from our Holistic Esthetician and DIY recipes from our Founder that you can make with simple ingredients you have stocked in your kitchen! Ready to start the swap? Let’s dive in!

This week’s product swap: CLEANSER.

As someone who had always identified as having oily skin, I spent my teenage years using the most harsh, oil-stripping cleansers I could get my hands on.

It wasn't until much later that I learned that those cleansers were seriously messing with my skin's natural oil barrier, causing it to over-produce oil as a result. Back in the day, I wouldn't have dreamed of using oil to cleanse my skin. But once I did, my skin felt and looked better than it did in years. After I became an oil cleansing convert, I couldn't wait for others to experience the same results I had.

Handcrafting clean, non-toxic products is at the core of our brand. But above all, what we care about most is empowering you to remove the toxic ingredients from your products (whether it’s through the DIY recipe below or restocking your PP favs!) so you can live a healthier life and show up as the beautiful, abundant human you were created to be. 


 While there’s so much hype about miracle ingredients + must-have products, we can’t overlook the *most* crucial step in any skincare routine: cleansing. Sure, we’ve been told that soaps and scrubs are best for cleansing the skin, but conventional cleansers contain harmful surfactants, detergents and chemicals which compromise the skin’s natural moisture barrier, worsen dry skin conditions, cause premature aging and aggravate acne. Not exactly the results we're looking for.

Washing your face with oils may not make a whole lot of sense at first, but taking this natural (and counterintuitive) approach to cleansing keeps your complexion clear, resilient and radiant - and ensures sulfates, phthalates, fragrances + PEG compounds stay far away from your skin. Instead, skin-loving oils and botanicals effectively break up buildup, purify pores and leave skin truly clean without stripping or over-drying – or dangerous chemicals.

Feed your skin instead of fighting it with a blend of oils (natural oils are SO powerful in their ability to beautify and balance) formulated for your current skin state (even oil-rich skin!) to deeply cleanse and detoxify pores while preserving your skin's natural moisture barrier.



 Whether you have sensitive, combination, dry, aging, or even oil-rich + acne-prone skin, swapping to the Oil Cleansing Method (OCM) can help to significantly improve the health and appearance of your skin. This 2-minute cleansing ritual is not only going to change your skin, but it’s going to change how you view your nightly skincare routine!

From the aromatherapy benefits of organic essential oils, the stress-relieving + tension-melting facial massage and the warmth from the hot washcloth, oil cleansing is a mini spa moment before bed. Because this method of washing your face is a bit different from your chemical-filled, foaming cleansers, here are a few tips to help you get the best results from your new cleansing ritual.

Before getting started:

  • Find the best formula for you: Because our skin state can shift depending on the season, stress levels, lifestyle habits and so many other factors, take notice if your complexion has actually shifted since your teenage years and be sure to pick the oil blend that best supports your current skin state! Not sure what your current skin state is? Take our Skin Quiz to find out.
  • Less is more: Over cleansing (especially with a chemical-filled cleanser) can actually break down and weaken the skin barrier. Cleansing oils offer such a deep cleanse that washing your face once daily before bed is all you need for healthy, balanced skin!
  • Trust the process: Swapping from a conventional cleanser to a cleansing oil may take time for your skin to adjust. After a possible detoxing phase (your skin may get worse for about a week or two), your skin will feel balanced and breakouts will become an afterthought. Give it time and trust the process – the results will be worth it!

4 steps to a clean complexion:

1. Massage a quarter-sized amount of cleansing oil onto dry skin for at least one minute. This part is crucial for proper cleansing and when this method works its magic! Pay special attention to congested/problematic areas, allowing the oil to dissolve makeup, impurities and sebum that have built up in your pores. Breathe and just enjoy!
2. Wet a soft, clean washcloth with warm water and let it sit on the skin until it cools. The warmth and steam help to open and purify pores - plus it just feels SO good.
3. Remove the product and makeup with the washcloth, working in upward, circular motions. Repeat with the other side of the washcloth, if needed!
4. Follow up with Everything Spray (or your DIY natural toner!) and your Skin-Specific Serum or Beauty Cream.  


 Instead of damaging skin with traditional cleansers and toxic chemicals, wash your face with a blend of organic, cold-pressed carrier oils (aka cooking oils!) from your kitchen cabinet. Cleansing your skin never sounded so delicious. ;) Grab these oils below and enjoy your new glow!

  • Glass bottle

  • Carrier oil: Extra virgin olive oil (dry) or hemp seed oil (oil-rich)

    • Cold-pressed + unrefined oils are KEY for optimal quality and skin health!

    • Extra virgin olive oil has a potent antioxidant profile (including tocopherols and carotenes) and is packed with vitamins to improve the health and hydration of dry/mature complexions.

    • Hemp seed oil is rich in fatty acids and omegas 3,6 and 9 to repair the skin barrier, reduce inflammation and regulate oil production for oil-rich/acne-prone skin states.

    • Essential oils: Pick your favorite based on your skin/scent preferences (we love lavender, orange and geranium for their balancing and brightening benefits!)


Step 1: Fill a glass bottle with hemp seed oil
Step 2: Add a couple drops of your favorite essential oil


Step 1: Fill a glass bottle halfway with hemp seed oil
Step 2: Fill the rest with extra virgin olive oil
Step 3: Add a couple drops of your favorite essential oil


Step 1: Fill a glass bottle with extra virgin olive oil
Step 2: Add several drops of your favorite essential oil

Stay tuned next week for another new product swap drop and DIY tips so you can #starttheswap! Hint: We saved the best for last - if you're only going to make one product swap, make it this one.

Cleansing Oil DIY, Tips + How Tos | Primally Pure Skincare

Bethany McDaniel

Bethany is the Founder of Primally Pure and lives in Southern California with her husband and two daughters. Having used all sorts of harsh prescription creams to treat her acne as a teenager and young adult (and dealing with red, raw, irritated skin as a result), Bethany was blown away by the effects she eventually experienced after ditching the harsh chemicals and replacing them with natural ingredients. Bethany’s journey inspired her to start Primally Pure (with an initial $250 order for ingredients + supplies) to help others experience the benefits of using clean products. In addition to leading the PP Team and envisioning new product ideas, Bethany is passionate about all things clean living, biohacking and personal growth - as well as taking regular tropical vacations with her family to reset + refresh.