Start The Swap: Natural Deodorant DIY, Tips + How Tos

The products you use on a daily basis are a big deal - because applying endocrine-disrupting chemicals and artificial fragrances found in conventional products can contribute to some serious health conditions over time. But we get it, you might have some hesitations when it comes to overhauling your products, so we want to help you start the swap!

All month long, we’re doing a blog series to empower you (and those you love!) to detox your products and #starttheswap - with our top product swaps, expert tips + how-tos from our Holistic Esthetician and DIY recipes from our Founder that you can make with simple ingredients you have stocked in your kitchen!

Ready to start the swap? Let’s dive in!

This week’s product swap: NATURAL DEODORANT.

You could say that deodorant is the reason why I started Primally Pure.

After learning about the dangers and risks associated with using conventional deodorant, I started using a mixture of baking soda and coconut oil on my underarms. I wanted my husband to do the same, but he wasn't interested in giving up his stick deodorant for something that felt so "DIY" (even though it worked super well!).

This motivated me to create a natural deodorant in stick form that he could use. Back then, there were only a few natural deodorants on the market and none that worked well in my opinion.

After several (probably over 100!) iterations, I finally came up with a natural stick deodorant that myself, my husband and several of our friends & family members loved.

Shortly after this, Primally Pure was born.


Most people rarely go a day without a couple swipes of this BO-busting stick, but often don’t take into consideration how a tube of deodorant can be so detrimental to our health. With a product you apply every single day (and directly to delicate underarms right next to multiple major lymph nodes), chemicals in traditional deodorant can contribute to toxic buildup in your body and take a serious toll on your health. These are just a few of the harmful deo ingredients you want to ditch:

  • Aluminum - Blocks pores to prevent sweating and is closely linked to Alzheimer’s + heavy metal toxicity.

  • Parabens - Preserves the product but are proven endocrine disruptors and found in breast cancer tissue.

  • Fragrance (even "natural" fragrance) - Masks odors but are connected to countless health + hormonal conditions and even referred to as the "new secondhand smoke".

The good news is: dangerous ingredients aren’t necessary for an effective deodorant. Say goodbye to aluminum, fragrance, PEG compounds, propylene glycol and parabens (plus unwanted odor!) and bring balance back to your body - especially to those pits and sweat glands - with good-for-you ingredients by swapping to a natural, effective alternative.


A deodorant that combats BO, balances the body, helps promote hormonal health, protects sensitive pits and looks cute on the bathroom counter? Yup, it's possible. :)

Nourishing vitamins, essential fatty acids, anti-inflammatory + anti-microbial properties in this non-toxic deo improves the health of your skin (and your whole self) and actually allows your body, skin and sweat glands to function as they should. Arrowroot powder and kaolin clay absorb moisture, allow the skin to breathe and detoxify the body, organic essential oils purify skin and control odor (plus, have a positive impact on your mood + mind!), and naturally-mined baking soda packs a serious punch of odor protection.

Although using a natural deodorant can be a bit different than drugstore deodorant, the health benefits far outweigh any potential pitfalls (ha ha). So here are a few of our top pit tips to help you have the best natural deodorant experience possible!

What to expect when swapping:

  • Sweat: You’re going to sweat… and you’re welcome! While this natural (and very healthy) function has been deemed "bad" or "gross", it's how our body detoxifies, regulates our internal temperature and helps to maintain homeostasis! Once you’ve switched from an antiperspirant, you might feel a bit more sweaty at first BUT your body will normalize soon after and you’ll find you sweat even less.

  • Smell: Similar to the sweat situation above, as your body rids itself of toxins from traditional deodorant, you may find yourself a bit more smelly than normal. After a week or two (the detox phase depends on your current chemical buildup), this will minimize and disappear as your pits + sweat glands become more balanced!

  • Sensitive skin: While baking soda has gotten a bad rap in natural deo for sensitive pits, naturally mined baking soda contains a finer grain, is less abrasive and has less potential of causing irritation – while still providing the pure odor protection you need. Plus, it's fortified with vitamin-rich coconut oil to nourish and protect sensitive pits.

Application tips:

  • Apply only 1-2 swipes (less is more!): While you might be used to swiping several times with antiperspirants, concentrated ingredients without any fillers or chemicals means you only need a couple swipes for all-day odor protection – and to prevent any potential rashes or residue on your clothing.

  • Shave at night, apply in the morning: Don't apply deodorant directly to skin after shaving – your delicate pores are exposed and more susceptible to rashes and irritation!

  • Dab instead of swipe: The “dabbing method” minimizes friction for those with sensitive pits. Less friction = less inflammation.


2 steps and 2 simple ingredients for fresher pits and a healthier lifestyle? Done. Grab the ingredients from your kitchen below and enjoy!

  • Glass jar (any glass jar works - the important thing is to get the right baking soda/coconut oil ratio! For reference, one cup = 8 oz so if you were to use a jar that holds 1 cup of coconut oil, you'd use 8 TB of baking soda.)

  • Coconut oil 1 oz

  • Baking soda 1 TB

  • Essential oils (Try tea tree for antibacterial benefits, lemongrass for a fresh + clean scent or extracts like vanilla and peppermint!)

Step 1: Mash baking soda into solid coconut oil with fork until fully combined. (Coconut oil shouldn't be melted, as the baking soda will settle at the bottom once hardened.)

Step 2: Add a couple drops of your fav essential oils or extracts.

Handcrafting clean, non-toxic products is at the core of our brand. But above all, what we care about most is empowering you to remove the toxic ingredients from your products (whether it’s through the DIY recipe above or restocking your PP favs!) so you can live a healthier life and show up as the beautiful, abundant human you were created to be.

 Deodorant DIY, Tips And How Tos | Primally Pure Skincare

Bethany McDaniel

Bethany is the Founder of Primally Pure and lives in Southern California with her husband and two daughters. Having used all sorts of harsh prescription creams to treat her acne as a teenager and young adult (and dealing with red, raw, irritated skin as a result), Bethany was blown away by the effects she eventually experienced after ditching the harsh chemicals and replacing them with natural ingredients. Bethany’s journey inspired her to start Primally Pure (with an initial $250 order for ingredients + supplies) to help others experience the benefits of using clean products. In addition to leading the PP Team and envisioning new product ideas, Bethany is passionate about all things clean living, biohacking and personal growth - as well as taking regular tropical vacations with her family to reset + refresh.