Do Facial Masks Actually Make A Difference? (Our Holistic Esthetician Explains)

Do Facial Masks Actually Make A Difference? (Our Holistic Esthetician Explains)

PSA: Masks aren’t just for slumber parties or spa days anymore. They aren’t just fluffy time fillers in facial treatments or for those occasional “treat yo’ self” moments. The right mask really does make a significant difference in the state of your skin – visibly improving the texture, clarity, hydration and overall health of your complexion.

Don’t believe us? Keep reading because we’re spilling why you want to make masks a part of your regular skincare routine.


Where are our oil-rich, acne-prone complexions at? While clogged pores, blackheads and oil blotting sheets may have become your norm, instead of exfoliating the skin into a state of panic and overproduction of oil with harsh scrubs – facial masks gently exfoliate, refine texture, and help to naturally nudge the cell rejuvenation process along.

Incorporating a clay-based, clarifying mask can work wonders in sweeping away dead/dull skin cells, drawing out impurities, and purifying pores. Although you can thank your genetics for the size of your pores, masks can help make them appear smaller and less visible by keeping them clear of congestion.

The mineral-rich clays in these clarifying mask formulas also promote detoxification and absorb + balance excess oil production to reduce buildup and breakouts. Plus, regularly (and gently!) stimulating cell turnover with natural clays + exfoliants (we also really love raw honey) found in non-toxic facial masks, reveals a brighter, more even skin tone.

Mask Tip: Our favorite clarifying + detoxifying clays are white kaolin, pink kaolin (our pick for more dry skin states), french green and fuller’s earth (also known to brighten + even skin tone). We recommend applying after showering when the warmth/steam has softened skin and already starting the purifying process!


Dry, dehydrated and more mature complexions will benefit just as much with mineral-rich clays – but when blended with other active plant-based ingredients and nourishing skin-loving oils, desert-looking skin states will feel a world of difference. By deeply nourishing from the outside-in and infusing the skin with moisture, facial masks help to soften the look of the fine lines + signs of aging and promote a naturally plump appearance.

While rebuilding hydration can be the main focus for facial masks, they still also contain exfoliation benefits to refine skin texture, boost circulation and create a tightening/firming effect for the skin. Plus, nourishing facial masks often offer an immediate dose of skin-loving vitamins (like A and C) to promote collagen production and stimulate cell renewal to reveal a more vibrant, youthful complexion.

Whether you’re traveling, living in a colder climate, focusing on minimizing fine lines or just more prone to dry patches, regular use of masks in your skincare routine help to protect the skin’s moisture barrier and actually boost the absorption your skin-specific serum and beauty cream. Who knew masks can actually make your other skincare products even more effective,too. 😉

Mask Tip: Our go-to ingredients for nourishing + naturally plumping the skin are raw honey (this superfood protects hydration in the skin), hibiscus (known as nature’s botox!), astaxanthin, and marshmallow root (works in the same way as hyaluronic acid to hydrate + plump). We suggest applying in the evening and finishing with your full skincare routine to replenish even more moisture as you sleep.


For our sensitive, reactive and stressed-out-skin friends, masks are a must. And we suggest opting for a more restorative facial mask for creating a protective covering and providing immediate relief for inflammatory skin conditions. Deeply nourish delicate skin and deliver concentrated soothing herbs straight to the skin to help expedite the skin’s healing process.

Pure botanical extracts and anti-inflammatory herbs offer multiple benefits for reducing redness, calming inflammation and rebuilding hydration. And because skin sensitivities and irritations can often occur due to a nutrient deficiency or imbalance, the addition of deeply nourishing + vitamin-rich oils in facial mask formulations help to strengthen damaged skin, restore the delicate moisture barrier and infuse some seriously soothing properties.

Mask Tip: The most supportive botanicals for sensitive skin states are spirulina + chlorella (both algaes combat inflammation), aloe vera, and gotu kola (an ancient skin-healing herb!). We recommend applying this mask to provide relief + some serious skin TLC as often as needed!


Okay fine, facial masks can provide some pretty powerful self-care benefits, too. 🙂 Simply taking 15 minutes (or more if you can!) and pressing pause to slow down, focus on your self and feel like you’re doing something to support your well-being really can create a positive ripple effect for every area of life.

Mask Tip: Our only tip for this is no multi-tasking while masking – no laundry, no cleaning, no emails. Once you apply a mask, this time is yours! Try practicing deep breathing, taking a bath, reading a book, writing in your gratitude journal, or simply sitting in solitude. Just enjoy a few quiet minutes to yourself to care for your skin and your self.

Have these facial mask benefits made you a believer yet? From an expertly formulated non-toxic mask to a simple DIY recipe, you really can target specific skin needs in real-time. Apply, relax, and reveal healthy, hydrated, clarified skin – and a calmer mind!


Do facial masks really make a difference for your skin? Our Holistic Esthetician explains why you should make masks a part of your regular skincare routine! | Primally Pure Skincare

Courtney O'Connor

Courtney Joy O’Connor is Primally Pure’s In-House Holistic Esthetician and Content Curator. Being in the beauty industry for over a decade, her experience + expertise with pure products, the healing power of touch and holistic skincare rituals are at the core of all she creates. She has trained extensively with industry experts across the country to offer her community the most educational content and transformative treatments. Courtney lives at the beach with her plant babies and loves road tripping, blending superfood bliss balls and exploring our big, beautiful world.

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