Your Work From Home Survival Guide: Our Team’s Tips To Boost Productivity + Wellness

While messy buns, bottomless cups of coffee and PJs all day may be perfectly acceptable for your home office, they may not always be the most beneficial for productivity (or your personal wellness!) while working from home.

Trust us, we’ve all tried it!

Whether you’ve been working from home for years now or are new to this whole WFH thing, our Marketing + Customer Experience teams put together their favorite tips to cultivate productivity and wellness when working from home.

Here’s your work from home survival guide!

KATIE (Community Manager)

    • Working from home can be confusing or awkward for some people at first, especially if you’re not used to it. I’ve found it helpful to establish a few “me” moments first thing in the AM! Mine usually includes talking with my family, drinking lemon water, or moving my body in some type of way.


    • Brain blocks are REAL. Sometimes I can feel stuck in my work, so finding time to make a meal, a pot of tea, or a mini stretch session for a bit allows me to return to my workload with more energy and new ideas. I’ve also found that “your favorite coffeehouse” playlist on Spotify REALLY helps me focus and stay calm.


  • Feeling claustrophobic or trapped in your WFH set up? This might sound silly but open a door, window or your blinds! Letting natural light and sound into your work environment can really help your mood.

SARAH (Customer Experience Manager)

    • Shift your perspective to serve you during this time! I’m sure there’s a lot going on at the moment with kids home from school, work to get done and daily upkeep of your household (not to mention your sanity). Look for the silver lining in all of this. It’s a great time to unplug and make forts in the living room with your kids or, if you’re like me, order a sourdough starter off of Amazon. The possibilities are endless.


    • I’m currently working on this one, but try to still get ready for the day. I find that I feel more upbeat and productive when I simply act as though I have somewhere to go (and I’m sure my husband likes it too since he has trouble keeping his 6-feet distance against all recommended guidelines!).


  • Make like a plant and add a little water and sunlight. Sometimes that’s all you need to get your creative juices flowing, it’s as simple as that.

LAUREN (Customer Experience Specialist)

    • Wake up early with an alarm! I try really hard to wake up when my husband’s alarm goes off so that I can get my day started and do things like walk the dog, workout, eat breakfast and get ready for the day.


    • Set your coffee pot to autorun in the morning! It’s so nice to hear it brewing right after your alarm goes off and the smell helps me get up. Nothing’s better than fresh coffee.


  • Pick up clutter before you start working. A cluttered space makes you feel like you’re a hermit in a basement. By just putting a few things away and arranging the pillows on my couch, I feel an inner sense of peace that helps me focus on work and not on my mess!

COURTNEY (Content Curator)

    • Get ready for the day. While it may be fun to stay in your pjs for a few days, getting dressed and doing your hair (even if it’s just dry shampoo – which is my personal WFH style!) can really support a sense of normalcy and is even proven to help with productivity.


    • Create a space that supports creativity. Working from home allows you to intentionally surround yourself with inspiration. Make a little sanctuary and light an essential oil candle, put on a playlist you love, place your fav plant (or 2) beside you, open a window… whatever you need to stay centered + focused, do it.


  • Drink up. You’ll find me with at least 3 beverages by my side at all times. Water, herbal tea and bulletproof coffee (or booch in a wine glass if I want to feel fancy). Staying hydrated helps keep your brain alert and your skin glowing – and boosts immunity to fight off any sickness!

KELSEY (Marketing Manager)

    • Find a routine that works for you and stick to it! If you have kids, try to wake up a bit earlier than usual to have some quiet time before the day starts. Take your vitamins, make some coffee or tea and take a few moments to center yourself to prepare for the day ahead.


    • Don’t let your skincare routine fall to the wayside during these uncertain times. It may seem silly but just taking time each day to complete your routine will create a small sense of accomplishment to carry with you – also don’t forget to brush your teeth! 🙂


  • Get moving and breathe fresh air! Open the windows and do a workout video in your living room during your lunch break (download the TIU app for a month free), go for a walk around your neighborhood if you feel comfortable doing so, or even just set a timer on your phone to stretch outside for a few minutes every hour!

JENNIE (Marketing Director)

    • While waiting to change out of your pjs or brush your teeth may be effective in social distancing, starting your day intentionally by finding ways to transition from your “at home” self to your “working self” is key – this might include allowing enough time to meditate, exercise or enjoy your coffee before opening your laptop.


    • Taking breaks is so hard but incredibly crucial to productivity. Just be sure to use that time wisely – scrolling your feed may seem satisfying in the moment, but may not contribute to long term fulfillment and energy.


    • Multi-tasking is not really a thing – unless of course, you are multi-MASKING while working, which is the most amazing thing. It’s a great way to give yourself some love while being productive. Plus, if you video conference it’s a great conversation starter.


  • Bonus: go easy on yourself. This is a CRAZY time we’re all experiencing right now, but we’re in this together. Set realistic expectations and know that this isn’t the time for you to be a superhero (side note: you already are). Rely on your community, even if it’s virtual right now, and ask for help when you need it. Then find ways to give back when you can.

We hope these tips from our team are helpful in this season – whether you’re temporarily working from home or have a fully functioning at-home office – and help to practically support your creativity and cultivate even more wellness in your life. If you have any WFH tips that have helped you, leave them in the comments below – we’d love to hear! XO


While working from home sounds dreamy, it definitely comes with its challenges. So our team is sharing their tips to boost wellness when working from home! | Primally Pure Skincare

Courtney O’Connor

Courtney Joy O’Connor is Primally Pure’s In-House Holistic Esthetician and Content Curator. Being in the beauty industry for over a decade, her experience + expertise with pure products, the healing power of touch and holistic skincare rituals are at the core of all she creates. She has trained extensively with industry experts across the country to offer her community the most educational content and transformative treatments. Courtney lives at the beach with her plant babies and loves road tripping, blending superfood bliss balls and exploring our big, beautiful world.