The Key To Creating Your Most Vibrant Self Starts Here

Are you ready for a fresh start that’s actually sustainable?
Searching for clearer vision after a couple of disorienting years?
Done with goal-setting that feels more defeating than transformative?

Yeah, us too.

We’re bringing it back to the basics to help you build foundations for health on a daily basis - in a way that’s actually doable.

The key to creating your best, most vibrant self begins here: Holistic Habit Stacking.

For this first post in our monthly series, we’re simply going to share what this looks like and how to use the power of nature, neuroscience and some very simple practices (plus a free downloadable resource!) to unlock a dramatic difference in your sense of clarity, vibrancy and overall well-being.

Are you down? Let's dive in!

Holistic Habit Stacking

We can often negate, minimize or overlook the power of simple habits that we actually do every single day. But the truth is, small decisions we make daily can lead to game-changing growth over time - moving us closer to our most vibrant selves, or further away from it.

Enter: habit stacking. A simple, proven and (very) effective approach to positive, lasting change. This habit-centered approach is a transformative action plan towards optimal health.

Each week in this series we’re going to share one new holistic habit to implement and build upon for mind, body and spirit - and as you add in more of the good, the not-so-good gets weeded out. Plus by stacking super simple practices (each is 10 minutes or less) you’ll find it fits into your regular routine and daily rhythm with ease.

The thing about habits is that once they stick, they become a seamless part of our everyday. They take a ton of effort, until they don’t. And once we get the hang of one habit, we can stack on the next one – slowly but surely moving closer and closer to our most vibrant self.

Habit Stacking Note: The following posts and habit suggestions are simply a guide so feel free to take what serves you and tweak the rest to best support the season of life you’re in or what wellness practices you want to pursue. No matter what holistic habits you start, we want to encourage you to choose 3, one in each of these spaces - mind, body, spirit - to build into your day-to-day.

The Power Of 3

Did you know the brain finds it easier to grasp groups of 3s? So we’re using the power of nature and neuroscience to our advantage!

While it can be tempting to identify several new habits you want to start, keep in mind that a leaner list tends to be more effective. By adding in just 3 new habits to our day, our brain will find it easier to absorb and we’ll be more likely to stick to it - creating real change in mind, body and spirit. 

Stack And Track

Ready to say good-bye to defeating goal-setting and unsustainable resolutions and start to cultivate health with more ease than ever before? We’ve put together a tangible way for you to stay on track (and motivated!) as you move through each week with a simple habit tracker.

Download your free Holistic Habit Tracker here (or print it!) for the week ahead and simply check off each habit as you complete it every day. There’s so much power in writing things down - plus it’s such a satisfying feeling when you fill in the check box!

Then, harness that powerful energy as you move into the next week with a brand new practice to implement and continue to build upon the holistic habits you’ve begun.

What's Your Word?

Before getting practical and putting habits in place, start by choosing a word or setting an intention. It can be a word that has continually surfaced in your life and caught your attention or something your soul is craving and wants to cultivate.

Write down your word in a place you’ll easily see it (like at the top of your habit tracker!) as a daily reminder and let it be your guide - holding it close and coming back to it as often as needed for clarity, grounding and growth as you build your year with this intention, this identity, as your foundation.

Only a few weeks from now, you’ll be able to look back on your growth and see all of the transformative habits you’ve begun – practices that are now an effortless part of your daily life.

See you next week for our first holistic habit and a deeper look at the power of this practice! XO

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Your Most Vibrant Self Yet Starts Here: Holistic Habit Stacking | Primally Pure Skincare

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