The Lines Of Life: A Deeper Reflection On Skin From Our Holistic Esthetician

Disclaimer: This isn't your typical blog post, but a deeper reflection on skin from my Holistic Esthetician's heart. Sometimes, when inspiration sparks, I put pen to paper and let words overflow in a way that's more rhythmic, more poetic. These words have been hidden for a while and I felt it was finally time to let them see the light. I hope this post, this poem, awakens a renewed perspective on your reflection and encourages you, my friend, to embrace the lines of life.

The lines of life.

Where do yours lead?
What stories do they share?

Memories left behind
with lines in their place.
Emotions felt, deeply,
depressions take shape.

The lines of life.

Welcome the lines
and the memories you share.
They have seen it all -
the sadness, the celebrations,
the grief, the gratitude.

Crows feet?
Signs of the ow-my-cheeks-hurt-from-smiling smiles.
The lines remind us of the deep joys we’ve been given.
Signs of the worries and burdens we’ve taken on that we were never intended to carry alone.
The lines remind us to let go.
Lip lines?
Signs of the kisses we’ve stolen, the cigarettes we’ve quit, the milkshakes we’ve shared.
The lines remind us of how we’ve grown.

Look deeper than the line itself.
See the beauty, the loss, the growth.
Listen to the stories they tell.

Embrace the age,
because without it,
you would simply be no more.

The lines of life are worthy of love.
They’ve lead you here.
You’ve made it,
through it all, and
the lines of life are proof
of your strength, your resilience,
your beauty, your struggle and
the gift of life you’ve been given.

The lines of life are proof -
you’ve fully lived.

They’ve taken shape
as your soul has too.
They’ve gotten deeper
as your heart has too.
They’ve grown over time
as your spirit has too.

The lines of life
reveal the journey you’ve traveled - 
inevitable valleys and sweet mountain tops.
The lines of life
speak to the path you’ve trod
with a willing spirit or with overwhelming worry.

The lines of life don’t lie,
even when you’ve tried.
They reveal the depth of emotion,
whether it be anxiety or sheer bliss,
anger or abundant gratitude.

The lines of life have been your
constant companion.
The face reflects
the inner world,
the decisions made,
the emotions felt,
the sorrow experienced,
the moments savored.

When you look in the mirror,
and all you seem to notice
are the lines that have formed on your face,
look longer,
look deeper.

Look with compassion on each line
and the memory that made it
and the story it tells.

The lines of life are not meant to be erased.
These lines, this life, are meant to be embraced.

The Lines of Life: A Deeper Reflection On Skin From Our Holistic Esthetician | Primally Pure Skincare

Courtney O’Connor

Courtney Joy O’Connor is Primally Pure’s In-House Holistic Esthetician and Content Curator. Being in the beauty industry for over a decade, her experience + expertise with pure products, the healing power of touch and holistic skincare rituals are at the core of all she creates. She has trained extensively with industry experts across the country to offer her community the most educational content and transformative treatments. Courtney lives at the beach with her plant babies and loves road tripping, blending superfood bliss balls and exploring our big, beautiful world.