The Experts Behind Our Holistic Skincare Guide Share Their Top Tips For Better Skin: Part 1 (Nutrition)

Welcome to Part 1 of our Holistic Skincare Guide blog series! We’re spilling our HSG expert’s personal stories + top tips on nutrition, lifestyle and topical products to create healthy skin, holistically. Check out Part 2: Lifestyle and Part 3: Topical Products for even more expert skin tips. And you can get our complete Holistic Skincare Guide here!

Still struggling to find the skin of your dreams? You may need to dig a little deeper and work to support your skin from the inside out. What you see and feel on the outside is often a reflection of what’s going down on the inside your body.

Real food is a powerful medicine and one that you can use in your daily life to create a wave of positive health effects that can impact every aspect of your being – especially your skin!

That’s where our Holistic Skincare Guide nutrition expert, Justine Campbell, comes in.

As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Holistic Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, she’s sharing her personal skin story and is spilling her top 10 nutrition tips to support skin from within. Her passion, expertise and practical tips will be your guide to clear, balanced, glowing skin.

Keep scrolling for Justine’s top takeaways for better skin and shop our Holistic Skincare Guide for even more of her expert diet + digestion tips to improve your skin from the inside out.


My skin hasn’t always been something I’ve felt confident in. In fact, discovering my skin health has been quite a journey.

Growing up I had oily, acne-prone skin and in college, I experienced embarrassing body acne (no sassy 20-year-old wants to show this off at the gym, amiright!?). I’ve used harsh treatments, paid big money for heavy-duty facials and bought products that promised miraculous results. And sure, I had moments of mostly clear skin, but I felt like I had no control over any of it and I was always just days away from another breakout or flare-up.

But here’s where the tides turned for me: as I dug into holistic health and wellness after becoming a Registered Dietitian back in 2009, I learned this inside-out concept and it completely blew my mind. I had a whole new outlook on my skin and different symptoms I experience on a daily basis.

No longer were these pieces of my health burdens to me because I understood that they were simply my body’s cry for support and nourishment.

One of the greatest principals I’ve discovered over the years as a holistic Nutritionist, that I’ve been able to apply to everything from my skin and digestive health to my fertility and now my children’s health, is that we have the ability to affect positive change within our health with the foods we eat and how we live day-to-day.

We have the power to create healthier skin from the inside out, rather than leaving it up to chance or a so-called “miracle” product that’ll change it all.

So I went from loathing the skin I lived in, to understanding that what I was seeing was a reflection of my internal environment. It completely changed the way I saw my skin and empowered me to look inward and take action. And for this, I am forever grateful.


    • Focus on nourishing with real, whole foods like organic veggies and fruits, grass-fed meats, wild fish, whole eggs, ghee, coconut and olive oils, nuts and seeds and the like – and leave out the skin-busting processed and fast foods as much as possible.


    • Listen to what your body is telling you about the food you’re eating. Are you feeling energetic and focused or bloated and spacy? Take note and be willing to adjust accordingly.


    • Take baby steps to create real, lasting upgrades to your food life. Pick 1 or 2 small goals to focus on each week and grow from there.


    • Support good gut health by relaxing during meal times, sipping bone broth and including fermented foods daily. This will ensure you’re benefiting from all the skin-supportive nutrients you’re taking in daily.


    • Include plenty of clean protein sources and healthy fats with your meals to nourish your hormones and encourage hormonal harmony that will work to create beautiful skin from the inside, out.


    • Cut the sugar for truly healthy skin. Practice upgrading your treats using real food ingredients that’ll nourish + satisfy your sweet tooth! Small amounts of raw honey, pure maple syrup and coconut sugar are great alternatives to processed sugars.


    • When it comes to food and skin-loving supplements, quality matters.


    • Choose 1-2 skin superfoods or supplements that speak to your personal skin journey and add on over time as you see fit.


    • Be consistent and allow yourself time to see real, lasting results. It takes time to create internal balance that will shine through your skin. But it is so worth it. I promise.


  • The healthy life is all about progress, not perfection, so don’t even go there.

Want even more in-depth insights and expert nutrition tips – plus lifestyle and topical product tips? Get our brand new HOLISTIC SKINCARE GUIDE here! And be sure to check out more from Justine on her website and Instagram! XO


This Holistic Nutritional Therapy Practitioner is sharing expert nutrition tips to improve your skin from the inside out. Click here for her top 10 tips! | Primally Pure Skincare

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Courtney O’Connor

Courtney Joy O’Connor is Primally Pure’s In-House Holistic Esthetician and Content Curator. Being in the beauty industry for over a decade, her experience + expertise with pure products, the healing power of touch and holistic skincare rituals are at the core of all she creates. She has trained extensively with industry experts across the country to offer her community the most educational content and transformative treatments. Courtney lives at the beach with her plant babies and loves road tripping, blending superfood bliss balls and exploring our big, beautiful world.