How To Survive The Holiday Hustle

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! And yet for many, this time of year comes with added stress and pressure that can easily steal the joy + meaning of the holiday season. As your schedule fills up with holiday parties, wrapping presents and planning trips to visit the in-laws, we strongly encourage you to incorporate these simple holistic tips to not just survive the holiday hustle, but to thrive.




Instead of adding to your Dear Santa letter, keep a daily gratitude journal where you can reflect and write down all that you’re thankful for. This simple, yet powerful, practice will help you to not get swept away by the holiday bustle, blowout sales + buying gifts. A gratitude journal will keep you grounded and your mind focused – not on what you still need to get, but on all that you’ve already been given.




We highly suggest skipping the holiday lattes (yes, we just went there!) and opting for a healthier, festive beverage. Instead of loading up on flavored sugary syrups, add a spicy blend of adaptogens to your morning coffee. If you’re used to merely surviving until your next caffeine fix, adaptogenic herbs will give you the lasting energy that you’re craving, plus they’re packed with some serious immunity + beauty benefits. And nothing is more nourishing than a warm mug of bone broth (loaded with essential minerals, vitamins + collagen) to help keep skin healthy and immune system strong, especially this season.




While we suggested avoiding the sugary holiday lattes, hopefully we can make up for it by encouraging you to sip a glass of red! What’s more relaxing (and picturesque!) than sitting by the fireplace with a cozy blanket and a bottle of wine? But with the majority of commercial wines containing up to 70 chemical additives and being highly processed (think that purple-stained smile is au naturale? Nope, it’s artificial colors), it’s important to pour only organic, truly natural wines. Cheers to celebrating the holidays without having to sacrifice your health – or your morning!




With packed schedules and holiday parties, lots of stress and late nights, our skin can reveal how little rest and rejuvenation we’re getting! All the added activities can lead to tired eyes, fine lines and dark circles around your delicate eye area. This fragile skin is the first place to reveal lack of sleep + signs of aging, so it’s essential to include a vitamin-rich cream in your winter skincare routine. Even if you feel too exhausted at the end of the day to cleanse your skin and apply eye cream, staying consistent with your skincare will keep your complexion radiant and clear – no concealer needed.




Before rushing out the door in the morning, it’s essential to give your body a balanced, nutrient-dense breakfast. We know it can be tempting to skip this meal if your mental checklist is louder than your stomach. But starting your day off with a veggie scramble, chia pudding or superfood smoothie will make all the difference for your body + mind as you move through your day. Especially with festive appetizers and desserts all too readily available this time of year, be sure to give your body the nourishment it needs first thing in the morning to stay healthy during the holidays.




Draw a bath, light a candle and lock the door – you deserve some much needed “me” time during the hustle of the season! Sprinkle epsom salts and essential oils into the tub to detoxify your body, soothe tired muscles (and mind!) and soak in vital minerals + healing properties. Seriously, schedule this simple self-care practice in your weekly planner to experience its relaxing and stress relieving benefits for your body, mind and spirit.




It may seem counterintuitive to add one more activity to your already endless to-do list, but trust us, this is one you won’t regret. Serving others this season will actually help to slow down your hustle. As you wrap a gift for a child in need, hand a homeless person a plate of food or sit with someone who has no other visitors, your heart will be filled and will inevitably create a ripple effect of health + happiness this holiday season.

Do you have any other tips on how you survive (and thrive!) during the holiday season? We’d love to hear!


As your days fill up with parties and planning trips, we encourage you to incorporate these tips to not just survive the holiday hustle, but to thrive.  Read this post for all our holistic health tips to survive the holiday hustle! | Primally Pure

Courtney O’Connor

Courtney Joy O’Connor is Primally Pure’s In-House Holistic Esthetician and Content Curator. Being in the beauty industry for over a decade, her experience + expertise with pure products, the healing power of touch and holistic skincare rituals are at the core of all she creates. She has trained extensively with industry experts across the country to offer her community the most educational content and transformative treatments. Courtney lives at the beach with her plant babies and loves road tripping, blending superfood bliss balls and exploring our big, beautiful world.