Fatty Acids for Skin: Why Fat is Actually the Secret to Healthy Skin

Historically, fats have gotten quite a bad reputation.

But our cells are primarily composed of fats. Depleting your body of these nutrient-dense compounds can affect your body on a cellular level. You need fatty acids (which are found in fat) to build and maintain healthy cells – and a healthy body. 

It’s no surprise this manifests in the skin, too. Your skin also depends on a balanced ratio of fatty acids for optimal function. More research and information continue to surface on the role of fat within the body and skin, proving the importance of fatty acids for skin.

Fats can nourish and moisturize the skin in a really unique and biocompatible way. This is exactly why topical fatty acids are a huge component of our products. 

Our connection to nature and its resources inspired this deep dive into fatty acids for skin health + longevity. We even partnered with our suppliers to reveal their research on the fatty acid content in their ingredients. What they found was astonishing. 

Simply put, fatty acids are the secret to transforming and healing skin. 

What Are Fatty Acids?

Fair warning: A little research on fatty acids could feel a bit overwhelming. There’s a lot of science-heavy jargon. So, we’re going to break it down in an approachable and relevant way that explains the role of fatty acids for skin. 

Fatty acids are natural components of plant or animal-based ingredients. While the name “acid” may sound harmful to your skin, they’re anything but! Fatty acids are deeply nourishing, soothing, and perfectly complement your skin. 

Internally, fatty acids are essential to keep your body functioning optimally. They contribute to almost all systems within your body, including critical hormone production. Some of the main roles include:1,2

  • Supporting heart health
  • Regulating inflammation
  • Maintaining blood pressure
  • Promoting a healthy immune system 
  • Balancing the nervous system 

But they aren’t just essential for your body. Fatty acids are also essential for your skin. 


→ They’re the building blocks for lipids which support skin health. Lipids provide structure at a cellular level to support your skin’s protective lipid barrier and microbiome.

Yet, there are many different fatty acids, each with individual benefits and properties. Let’s explore them.

Types of Fatty Acids

There are a few differentiating factors between fatty acid types. It can get confusing, so let’s keep it simple! The biggest categories you need to know are whether they’re essential and their saturation rate.

Let’s look at these two main categories.

1. Essential vs. Non-Essential

  • Non-Essential Fatty Acids – your body creates these fatty acids by converting amino acids from your food. (Psst: yet another reason a protein-rich diet is key for longevity and health.)
  • Essential Fatty Acids – your body doesn’t make these fatty acids. You need to consume them through a whole-food diet or supplements. Or in the case of skincare, as topical fatty acids for skin. ;) You’ve probably heard of a couple of the most popular types of fatty acids, like Omega-3 and Omega-6.

2. Saturation Rate

These fatty acid profiles all have a unique composition/consistency. They each provide various support and benefits for your body – and of course, your skin. 

  • Saturated Fatty Acids – very emollient, soften skin, and lock in moisture. Usually, saturated fatty acids are solid at room temperature. (Ex: tallow, mango butter, shea butter, coconut oil)
  • Monounsaturated Fatty Acids – soothing and restorative for the moisture barrier. These are typically a bit thicker than saturated fatty acids. Usually, they’re liquid at room temperature but can solidify when chilled. (Ex: emu oil, olive oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil)
  • Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) – very soothing for inflammatory conditions. They can reduce redness, balance sebum, and protect against oxidative stress + free radicals. Usually, they’re lighter in consistency and liquid at room temperature. (Ex. Sunflower oil, castor oil, pumpkin seed oil)

*Note: Sometimes PUFAs get a bad rep (especially in the form of seed oils in food). But when seed oils are sourced/processed correctly, they become vital components of effective and balanced skincare. That’s why we only used cold-pressed oils – sans high heat or chemical extraction methods. 

Any natural fat contains a unique blend of beneficial fatty acids.3 This speaks to nature’s innate synergy + balance. It’s a foundational component of our soil-to-skin philosophy as it reconnects us to nature’s resources.

Fatty Acid Sources

We usually get fatty acids from foods in our diet. But some of these natural resources can also be used topically on the skin to nourish and heal. The most common sources of fatty acids include: 

  • Fatty fish/fish oil supplements
  • Nuts and seeds 
  • Algae oil 
  • Tallow and emu oil 

A balanced variety of fatty acids is important for both general health and skin health. 

Why You Need Fatty Acids for Skin

Let’s touch on all the incredible benefits of choosing a product rich in a blend of fatty acids for skin health. Your skin’s health depends on fatty acids for structure, function, and protection.

Skincare products with a balanced blend of beneficial fatty acids for skin helps:

  • Protect + restore hydration + decrease TEWL (transepidermal water loss)
  • Soothe dryness
  • Improve skin texture/suppleness
  • Protect against signs of aging
  • Strengthen and protect against environmental stressors + pathogens
  • Encourage + promote quicker healing5 
  • Soothe inflammatory skin conditions like dermatitis, eczema5
  • Provide antioxidants that protect against oxidative stress
  • Regulate sebum production, assisting in a clearer complexion
  • Can reduce photodamage/sun damage6 

*A note about comedogenicity: Fatty acids with thicker consistencies aren’t a concern in our formulations! Our products are expertly formulated. We consider each ingredient’s benefit, total exposure, and balanced ratios. This way, we only harness the benefits for your skin. 

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the best ingredients with fatty acids for skin longevity and health.

Our Favorite Ingredients Rich With Fatty Acids for Skin

Ancestral wisdom practices use both plant and animal fats synergistically. Together, they nourish, protect, and soothe the skin. Fatty acids also have a biocompatible nature. This means they penetrate the skin easily and work well with your biology.

Let’s highlight a few fatty acid-rich ingredients. They play critical roles in many of our best-selling formulas. 

Animal-Based Fats: Grass-fed + Finished Tallow and Emu Oil 

Tallow and emu oil contain an incredible blend of beneficial fatty acids for skin. Rest assured, integrity and responsible sourcing are at the core of our ethos. We uphold the ancestral nose-to-tail philosophy with all animal-based ingredients. 

→ We only source tallow from ethically raised cows. They’re fed a native grass diet and processed in a humane setting. This not only respects the animal’s life but also provides a much higher density of nutrients in the tallow. 

→ We only source emu oil from a trusted farm that ethically raises emu birds. The birds are free-range and pasture-raised, fed a biologically appropriate diet, and processed in small and ethical settings. In the past, emu farms raised emus only for the oil. Our supplier makes no compromises, using every part of the bird. 

These animal-based ingredients provide unique concentrations of the following fatty acids for skin – providing a supportive balance.


We love these fatty acids for moisture and softness. 

→ Palmitic acid – prevents moisture loss and improves skin texture for youthful skin.

→ Stearic acid – works in tandem with oleic acid. It helps moisturize, soften, and regenerate skin. It can also improve skin elasticity and suppleness.

→ Myristic acid – emollient properties smooth and help form a protective layer on the skin and regenerate the moisture barrier.6


These fatty acids are nourishing for the skin barrier.

→ Oleic acid – also found in human sebum, has many positive effects on the skin. It’s an excellent moisturizer and emollient.

→ Palmitoleic acid – promotes healthy skin structure. It also optimizes the benefits of other fatty acids.


These fatty acids contain highly beneficial soothing properties. 

→ Linoleic acid – an essential fatty acid the body can't produce alone. It helps maintain the skin's natural barrier and prevent water loss.

→ Linolenic acid – strengthens skin integrity and helps reduce inflammation.

The best part is their unique blends. Tallow contains a high concentration of saturated fatty acids, while emu oil contains a higher concentration of monosaturated fatty acids. This plays into how they each uniquely work for skin-specific concerns – nature at its best! 

Plant-based Ingredients Rich in Fatty Acids 

Animal-based ingredients are supreme in their biocompatibility. But you can find fatty acid profiles in many plant sources, too. These are a few of our favorite supportive plant-based ingredients with fatty acids for skin: 

  • Cold-pressed castor oil – its ricinoleic acid content soothes inflammation and stimulates regeneration.
  • Cold-pressed jojoba oil – contains eicosenoic acid, closely mimicking the skin’s sebum.
  • Cold-pressed sunflower oil – rich in moisturizing and anti-inflammatory fatty acids like oleic and linoleic acid.

Based on research and anecdotal evidence, a balanced profile of fatty acids can do wonders for the skin applied topically. These ingredients are a must, providing unparalleled moisture and protection for the skin’s most essential functions. And our commitment is the same as always. To bring you the purest, non-toxic, and transformative skincare.

Fatty Acids for Skin: A Transformative Component

Fat is not the enemy – fat is the star of the show! 

Fatty acids have always been an important part of our products – since day one. They play a critical role in our ingredient selection and formulation. And, of course, in the health of your skin!

Sourced and formulated responsibly, fatty acids for skin are an absolute no-brainer. You, too, can harness the benefits of these fatty acids for skin.

Nourish your skin with nature’s best. We won’t make exceptions, and neither should you.



  1. Medical News Today | What to Know about Essential Fatty Acids 
  2. National Library of Medicine | Introduction to Fatty Acids and Lipids
  3. American Emu Association | Fatty Acid Analysis of Emu Oil
  4. Oregon State University | Essential Fatty Acids and Skin Health
  5. National Library of Medicine | Healing Fats of the Skin: The Structural and Immunologic Roles of the Omega-6 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  6. The Derm Review | Acids in Skin Care 

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Historically, fat has gotten a bad rep, but you might want to reconsider. Let’s explore why using fatty acids for skin is incredibly nurturing + healing. | Primally Pure Skincare

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