Steps To A Simple Skincare Routine (A Video Tutorial With Our Holistic Esthetician)

Skincare routines. Some people love them, some just don’t.

Trust me, I get it. Too often skincare routines can seem too time-consuming or too confusing or maybe just too high maintenance for your minimal approach to life.

If that’s you, I feel you. Even though I’ve been working with skincare for years, I still can sometimes get overwhelmed with all of the product options, the steps, the dos, the don’ts. And when I was first starting to put a simple skincare routine together for my skin type, I had no idea what products were best or the proper steps for a complete skincare routine.

So, I got them all. I had drawers and cabinets full of half-used skincare products. At one point I was using almost 10 different products on my skin before bed! At the time it seemed luxurious, but looking back, it may have been just slightly excessive. If that’s you, I feel you, too. 😉

Several of our customers and people in our community are in a similar place. We get questions sent to our inbox and DMs daily about where to begin and what products are best and how to use them to get the most benefits.

No matter your background – whether you’re a beauty guru or just beginning – we want to help clear the air about skincare and show you a simpler, more effective way.

Why? Because the benefits of skincare are SO worth it. And you might even start to notice how this simple decision to commit to a skincare routine can create a positive impact on other areas of self-love and life, as well.

The first thing to remember about a skincare routine is that it’s intended to serve you and your skin and your schedule. You can simplify these steps if you’re short on time or you can make your skincare routine more intentional depending on your skin needs and the results you’re hoping to see – or if you’re in need of some serious self-care.

Either way, it’s important to commit to a skincare routine that you can stick with, because consistency is key to creating truly healthy skin.

While we don’t follow a one-size-fits-all philosophy for skincare, we do have a few suggestions to help support your complete + simple skincare routine, morning and evening.

Here’s our guide to getting the most out of your skincare products – and getting the results you want to see in your skin. Enjoy!


Before bed is typically when we’ll suggest taking a bit more time and intention for yourself and your skin. Fully removing the day and prepping the skin for a solid night’s sleep – which is when your body is able to do its reparative work and deeply soak in the benefits from your skincare.

But if you’re too tired, traveling or just want to stick to a minimal beauty routine, remember to at least commit to the 3 foundational skincare steps: cleanser, toner, moisturizer.

    • Remove eye makeup with Baby Oil + Cleanse with Cleansing Oil or Baby Bar or both (we love the Double Cleansing technique!): This is the first – and most crucial – step in any skincare routine. It not only purifies pores and dissolves dirt + buildup, but it creates a clean, fresh foundation to receive the nutrients from your other skincare products to follow.


    • Tone with Everything Spray and/or replenish with Complexion Mists: One of the main purposes of including a toner in your skincare routine is to replenish the skin after cleansing and to prep the skin to deeply soak in your moisturizer.


    • Apply a DIY mask weekly (we love blending this clay with our Everything Spray and/or Complexion Mist!)



    • Repair with targeted serum and/or hydrate with Beauty Cream (or Baby Balm for sensitive skin): Whether you use an oil-based serum or our deeply nourishing Beauty Creams, moisturizers are a must for dry, sensitive and even oil-rich skin types. And remember, when applying your final few skincare products, be sure to layer them from lightest to heaviest to support proper hydration and absorption.



    • Splash skin with warm water (or cool if your complexion needs a bit of a pick me up)



In this video, our Holistic Esthetician shows you a complete + simple skincare routine to support skin health, morning + evening. Click here to watch! | Primally Pure Skincare

Courtney O’Connor

Courtney Joy O’Connor is Primally Pure’s In-House Holistic Esthetician and Content Curator. Being in the beauty industry for over a decade, her experience + expertise with pure products, the healing power of touch and holistic skincare rituals are at the core of all she creates. She has trained extensively with industry experts across the country to offer her community the most educational content and transformative treatments. Courtney lives at the beach with her plant babies and loves road tripping, blending superfood bliss balls and exploring our big, beautiful world.