PP Babe: Koya Webb

Koya Webb is making waves in the wellness world. As an internationally recognized holistic health coach, yoga instructor, author, model, motivational speaker and founder of a non-profit organization, if you haven’t met this gorgeous self-care guru yet, you’re about to fall in love with her inspiring story, holistic wellness expertise and authentic approach to life and all of its inevitable ups + downs.

The PP Team had the privilege of spending an afternoon with Koya and quickly discovered that this woman radiates wellness, kindness, and gratitude. She was glowing from the moment she stepped into the PP HQ until we said goodbye after enjoying acai bowls, a brief yoga session, fun photoshoot and holistic facial treatment. Koya is such an inspiration and positive influence for our entire team and we know she’ll be the same for you.

Keep reading for our exclusive interview with Koya, this is one woman you want to get to know!

Stories are so powerful and we know yours has impacted so many people around the world! Would you share a bit about your background and the journey you’ve taken to get to where you are today?

I grew up in Humboldt, TN and while I didn’t have much, seeing my parents work endlessly to ensure that myself and my siblings could have a comfortable life has always inspired my work ethic. I eventually went on to college as a track and field athlete at Wichita State University with high hopes to go to the Olympics. It wasn’t until I developed an injury, a stress fracture, that put a sudden halt to that dream. Sometimes it takes one door to close for another one to open. It was through that injury that led me to yoga for the first time. I remember my first yoga class being so incredibly frustrating that it left me in tears. I kept thinking, “I’m not made for this…I’m not flexible; there’s no way…” The yoga instructor came over to me, encouraged me to take a deep breath with her and I instantly felt a tingling sensation come across my body. It was in that moment that yoga became my best friend and I learned how to connect with spirit. Since then, I haven’t turned back. I began going to classes regularly and noticed my flexibility and strength improved dramatically. Yoga was the opportunity that encouraged me to open myself up to change and evolution in my darkest hour. Doing so was one of the greatest decisions of my life.

We know holistic health is a BIG part of your life (both personally + professionally) as a world-renown yoga instructor and wellness coach. How have these perspectives + practices transformed your own life and what tips do you often incorporate to transform the lives of those you work with?

I’ve learned that certain aspects of holistic health (for example: the foods that we eat) can have the ability to heal our bodies and reverse chronic illnesses. A lot of people are unaware of the power of holistic healing and because of that, I use that as a motivating factor to share this news with others and spread the word to as many people as possible through online courses and yoga teacher trainings around the world. Everyone has the ability to live their healthiest lifestyle possible and they can start exactly where they are.

As a former college athlete, fitness model, and workout guru, you’ve got some serious physical strength! So we’d love to hear how you also cultivate strength + resilience when hardships happen, how you’ve overcome setbacks, and what motivates you to continue to stay the course.

Dealing with hardships in life is never easy, but it is important to remember that hardships are inevitable in life. It is through our hardest moments that we grow. They help shape us into the person that we are supposed to be. When I am going through a difficult time, I remind myself that I am going to learn and grow stronger from that hardship. At the same time, I remind myself to continue to put myself first. Through hard times it is easy to lose track of our health and our happiness, but we must not forget to take care of ourselves no matter what we are going through. It’s in these times we need to practice the most self-care.

You just published a book, Let Your Fears Make You Fierce, CONGRATS! We’re so excited for you + can’t wait to pick up a copy. Can you share more about what inspired the idea for this book and what the title means to you?

My journey in discovering yoga was one of the largest parts of my life. When I got injured, I was dealing with a lot of fear in my life. I had the fear of being a failure, fear of being judged, fear of the person I’d be without track. By opening myself up to change, I discovered yoga and my capacity to heal and adapt. I was able to come back stronger and thrive in a completely unexpected way. I let my “Fears Make me Fierce” and years later wrote a book about how I’ve processed fears and trauma since then. That is how “Let Your Fears Make You Fierce: How to Turn Common Obstacles Into Seeds For Growth” came about.

As a passionate self-care advocate, what are some practical ways you incorporate self-love into your daily life + what advice do you have for others? Also, we’d love to hear which Primally Pure Skincare products have become a favorite for you. 🙂

Practicing meditation and yoga daily are some of my favorite forms of self-care. When life gets hectic, those are two practices that always bring me back down from reality and allow me to calm my mind, body and spirit. I encourage everyone to practice yoga and meditation to promote self-love in their lives because it really forces you to connect with yourself and get in tune with your body. I’m also a huge fan of self-care routines. I like to pamper myself in the mornings and at night. Some of my favorite PP skincare products that have become a favorite of mine are: the PP Blue Tansy Body Oil and the Everything Spray. Both leave my face and body feeling hydrated, moisturized and glowing. Not to mention, the smell of both of these products are refreshing and instantly calm and soothe me.

We absolutely love the brand you founded called Get Loved Up! Tell us more about your mission + community, what led you to create this organization and how we can get connected.

My mission with Get Loved Up is to share how powerful the daily practice of mental, spiritual and physical wellness has been in my life to others so that we can ALL manifest the most loving and fierce versions of ourselves. In such a fast-paced world, it is not easy to make holistic living a priority, but it is a commitment that is 100% worth it. My goal is to guide others in committing to this lifestyle and make their transition smoother. This is something that EVERYONE can join no matter what background you come from and what level you’re at.

Photography by Stef Johnson.


Wellness expert, motivational speaker + self-love guru, Koya Webb, is internationally known for changing lives. Read our exclusive interview with her here! | Primally Pure Skincare

Courtney O’Connor

Courtney Joy O’Connor is Primally Pure’s In-House Holistic Esthetician and Content Curator. Being in the beauty industry for over a decade, her experience + expertise with pure products, the healing power of touch and holistic skincare rituals are at the core of all she creates. She has trained extensively with industry experts across the country to offer her community the most educational content and transformative treatments. Courtney lives at the beach with her plant babies and loves road tripping, blending superfood bliss balls and exploring our big, beautiful world.