Hormone Health Starts At Home: Here's Why

In my work with hundreds of women with hormone imbalances and PCOS, reducing their toxic exposure has been an essential way to ensure symptom relief, improve their fertility and support hormone health.

The majority of the products we are exposed to – both at home and in the outside world – are hormone disruptors. Many contain chemicals called xenoestrogens and are contributing to hormone issues.

Xenoestrogens mimic our natural hormone production and block or bind to hormone receptors which can be detrimental to hormone-sensitive tissues and organs. They have estrogen-like effects and can increase estrogen levels in your body leading to estrogen dominance. (Both men and women can be affected by estrogen dominance.)

In women, common symptoms of estrogen dominance include PMS, heavy bleeding, irregular menstrual periods, mood swings, breast tenderness, irritability, and decreased libido. And in men, it can manifest as male breast growth and even lead to prostate cancer.

(A great way to know if you have estrogen dominance is through a Dutch Hormone Test which shows your estrogen metabolites.)

The good news is that you can proactively prevent or reverse estrogen dominance!

What we put on our skin, what we ingest – including what we eat and drink, and even what we breathe (the quality of our air), can have a huge impact on our hormone health.

It may be tempting to go on a detox after learning about how many toxins you are exposed to (and doing one safely and with the guidance of an expert can be incredibly beneficial), however, the best strategy is avoidance first, detox second. This will make any treatment that much more effective!

Okay, so where do you even begin?!

To help guide you through this journey, here are 5 simple ways to reduce your at-home toxin exposure.

#1 Open up your windows
Let fresh, clean air in. Did you know inside air is often more polluted than outdoor air?

#2 Vacuum daily
Chemicals get trapped in dust, and dust gets trapped in your carpet. Vacuuming helps reduce how much stays on your carpet.

#3 Leave your shoes outside
Your shoes track dirt! They also track pesticides, heavy metals and toxins you don’t want in your home. Try becoming a no-shoes home.

#4 Reduce EMF exposure
EMFs from your phone are invisible toxins. Place your phone on airplane mode at night. Bonus points if you turn your WiFi off!

#5 Swap out cleaning supplies
Detoxify and purify your home using Primally Pure’s non-toxic Home Collection including Hand Soap, Room Spray, and Essential Oil Blend instead of conventional air fresheners to help you refresh and promote a sense of lightness in your space and your spirit.

It can often be intimidating for people to start on a non-toxic journey. You can start out small with these free strategies I shared above, and slowly build on that. Or you can go all in and really make BIG changes.

I started out 5 years ago by swapping out my laundry detergent for Branch Basics which I love and use to this day. I then replaced all my plasticware for glassware. And then swapped my conventional shampoo, body wash, and skincare to non-toxic products including Primally Pure. My point is, you can start small!

If you are health-focused and mindful about your products, DM Monica for a Non-toxic Product Guide. You can also check out her video on endocrine disruptors and hormones! XO

Hormone Health Starts At Home: Here's Why | Primally Pure Skincare

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Monica Cormier

Monica Cormier is a registered dietitian and women’s hormone health expert focusing on PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). She is the CEO of Dietitian Monica, a successful business supporting women’s hormone healing and reversing PCOS through both courses, and also one on one mentorship. She currently supports women all over the world in her virtual private practice and integrates a holistic approach to empower women to make small shifts to reduce their toxin exposure at home and show how small shifts can have a big impact on their overall health. She currently lives with her husband and 3 dogs in East Texas.