Our Collabs Coordinator Shares 4 Ways To Create Authentic Community

We see the word “collaboration” all over social media these days through ads, partnerships and photos – but what does that word really mean and how do you stand out amongst the crowd? To me, it’s all about the genuine connections that are made based on aligned values, which ultimately creates community. Collaborating is creating together, and that is a beautiful thing!

Being Primally Pure’s Collaborations Coordinator has given me a greater sense of how important community is to a brand. After all, without a sense of community there is nobody to share your message with. While having a large amount of support can generate success, we’re much more interested in who makes up that support. Quality over quantity is at the core of our Primally Pure community and seeking genuine connections is a constant priority in our efforts to grow.

Here are 4 ways to help create a community of authenticity + quality for you and your brand.


Believing in what you’re promoting to the world is the first step to create authenticity in your community. What is your message/story? What is your passion? What is your WHY? At Primally Pure, our core values of providing our customers with clean/non-toxic skincare and promoting a healthy + happy self, stick with us in everything that we do.

Truly believing in our mission (formulating products with fewer ingredients for maximum purity + potency) has allowed us to 1) connect with like-minded individuals who also believe in our message and 2) educate those who may not know about non-toxic beauty or our brand. Both of these groups make up our community and it has stemmed from our consistent + honest brand messaging.

Telling your story and how your brand came to be also makes you relatable! Stories are a powerful way to connect with others and people will often reach out wanting to learn more.


An important step towards creating community is knowing who resides there. We can speak about what we’re passionate about for hours on end, but if nobody is interested in listening then the message is lost. Find the listeners!

Take the time to research who your following is, who your customer base is, and who is supportive of what you are trying to promote. It’s essential to know who is on the other end and how to best reach them – which leads me to my next tip…


In order to know who is in your community you have to interact with them. You can’t meet your neighbor by staying in your house, you have to walk over and introduce yourself!

At Primally Pure, we LOVE interacting with our community – whether it’s responding to a comment on Instagram, keeping in touch personally with our Affiliate Team, or taking the time to have a genuine conversation with a customer. These are meaningful interactions for us that are crucial in maintaining a community that’s loyal + interested in what we’re doing.

On the other end, be the listener! Ask for feedback. What do they love about what you’re doing? What do they want to see changed? Why do they connect with you? It all matters and is incredibly important to tap into! This will not only grow your community but also show that they are at the heart of what you’re doing. Plain and simple, show your community that you care!


Consistency is definitely important when building your community because it keeps your message clear + honest. However, it’s always good to try something new now and again! This will not only help to engage + grow your community, but will also keep them excited about what you’re doing. Some fun ways we incorporate a fresh approach is with customer contests, social media shout-outs, and promotions/product launches.

Having fun + interactive opportunities not only keep your community engaged with your brand, but also allow for mutual appreciation. This shows your community that you’re genuinely interested in connecting with them while giving back + valuing the people who support you as a brand.

Creating an authentic community is vital to the longevity of your brand, so be sure to invest in it! Take the time to develop a mission, discover who is interested in hearing your message, engage with the people who are listening and always keep creating!

I hope that these pointers will help to build your brand’s authentic community and feel free to leave a comment below with any questions or reflections.


4 Ways To Create Authentic Community | Primally Pure's Collabs Coordinator shares her top 4 ways to create authentic community. These simple, practical tips are a must to help grow your brand! | Primally Pure Skincare

Katie Carroll

Katie Carroll is Primally Pure's Influencer Community Manager who connects with bloggers, influencers + brands and is always up for learning new trends in the health/wellness space. Her experience in marketing and communications inspires her to connect, create, and grow the Primally Pure community. When Katie's not in the PP office, you can find her soaking up the sun on the beaches of San Diego, strolling the local farmers market, or sipping a glass of wine with her best friends