Our 5 Favorite Supplements For Better Skin

While we do our best to care for our skin with non-toxic products, nutrient-dense foods and falling asleep at a decent hour, sometimes life throws us curve balls and we’re not always as consistent with our skincare routine + healthy lifestyle as we’d like to be. That’s one of the several reasons why we are such big advocates for adding in skin-loving supplements into our day-to-day.

Even if a daily green juice and weekly facial aren’t a part of your reality (and if it is, please share your secrets!), supplements play a big part in promoting skin health and help to fill in the gaps by giving your skin the boost of vital nutrients it needs. Now, we’re not saying these are miracle pills, but they do work wonders in promoting healthier skin from the inside out.

The secret to really seeing results? Stick with it! While you will most likely start to feel better + look brighter after just a few weeks, supplements are natural solutions that take time to start revealing their true colors. Consistency is key.

Side note: If you’re currently taking any medications or prescriptions, be sure to consult your health practitioner and get the go-ahead before adding in any new supplements.

Ready to find out our 5 favorite supplements for better skin? Here they are.


Because the majority of skin conditions (acne, rosacea, signs of aging, etc.) are often caused by inflammation within the body, turmeric is a serious powerhouse when it comes to calming, healing + repairing the skin.

Turmeric is a traditional Indian spice that has a long standing list of potent healing benefits for the body and the skin – it’s a powerful natural antioxidant and is rich in anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Curcumin is what gives turmeric it’s bright orange/gold pigment and is also a powerful phytonutrient. It’s been proven to reverse UV damage, promote collagen production, diminish the effects of inflammation + oxidative stress and is even thought to have cancer-fighting properties.

We are always seeking out ways to get more of this gold into our daily diets. From turmeric lattes at a local cafe, getting turmeric root fresh from the grocery store to grind at home or taking a couple of these capsules each day, this medical plant makes a world of difference in the health of our skin – and whole self.


The support structure of our skin (and entire body) is made up of building blocks called collagen. It’s the most prominent protein in our body – but unfortunately, as we are bombarded with the effects of stress and the natural aging process, our collagen production slows down and ultimately declines.

Less collagen leads to dullness, wrinkles, sagging skin and other signs of aging. It’s so important to regenerate collagen to create stronger, smoother, more supple skin. Plus, you get the added benefit of improved digestion + gut health (which we know has a direct connection to skin health!).

Firm + feed your skin from within and get your youthful glow back by adding a couple scoops of collagen powder in your smoothie or morning coffee. Because quality really matters when it comes to supplements, these collagen peptides are by far our favorites.


Skin-healing nutrients straight from the sea, cod liver oil is one of the richest natural sources of anti-inflammatory fatty acids, micronutrients and vitamins. It contains a potent combination of vitamin D along with vitamins A, E and K2 and omega 3-fatty acids to deeply nourish + regenerate skin at a cellular level.

Cod liver oil contains some of the highest levels of naturally occurring vitamin D, which is essential for optimal skin cell development, function, repair and metabolism – plus it powerfully supports immunity + hormone health (which play a crucial role in skin health, too). But sadly, the majority of people aren’t getting their daily dosage and vitamin D deficiency has even become recognized as a pandemic. So supplementing your diet with cod liver oil could be the missing link in your skin-healing protocol.

Your skin deserves only the most pure and potent supplements, so keep an eye out for wild caught cod liver oil (this is the highest quality cod liver oil we’ve found + the only brand we stand behind).


Stress is serious stuff and can be one of the biggest contributors to imbalanced skin. The effects of stress can lead to inflammation, fine lines + wrinkles, acne, sensitivities and a myriad of other skin issues. A powerful solution to combat stress + support healthy skin are adaptogenic herbs.

These powerhouse plants have adapted to their own wild climates + difficult conditions (dry, barren deserts and rugged mountain ranges) and have developed the ability to recover quickly from their environmental stressors. When we supplement our daily diet with adaptogenic herbs, they in turn help to build resilience within our own bodies, protect our overall health and strengthen our capacity to handle stress – and offer the added beauty benefit of a glowing, youthful complexion!

We especially love this one and this one for calming inflammation + clear skin support. Their health benefits build over time so it’s important to include small amounts into your diet daily and consistently. Simply add a small amount of these powdered herbs (about 1/2 teaspoon is recommended) daily into your morning coffee, green smoothie or sprinkled onto your salad.


Believe it or not, beautiful skin starts in your belly. When you add in supplements that help to heal your gut, often skin issues will resolve themselves as well. Probiotics are a powerful way to to promote good bacteria in the gut – and a balanced gut is critical for skin and overall health.

These supplements help to restore balance to your microbiome, aid in digestion, strengthen immunity and offer anti-inflammatory benefits. While you can snack on yogurt or kefir and sip on some kombucha, it’s also so important to supplement your diet with a probiotic. Unfortunately, most drugstore or grocery store probiotic brands are poor quality, so you’ll want to do some research in order to find the best brand/type for your body. Here’s a company we suggest that has some great options for high quality probiotics.

We hope you’ve found our favorite supplements to be beneficial for your skin health, as well. Do you have any go-to supplements for glowing skin? We’d love to hear in the comments below!


Supplements play a big part in promoting skin health + help to give it a boost of vital nutrients. Here are our 5 favorite supplements for better skin! | Primally Pure Skincare

Courtney O’Connor

Courtney Joy O’Connor is Primally Pure’s In-House Holistic Esthetician and Content Curator. Being in the beauty industry for over a decade, her experience + expertise with pure products, the healing power of touch and holistic skincare rituals are at the core of all she creates. She has trained extensively with industry experts across the country to offer her community the most educational content and transformative treatments. Courtney lives at the beach with her plant babies and loves road tripping, blending superfood bliss balls and exploring our big, beautiful world.