From Our Founder: A New Take On The New Year (Plus Her Top 5 Posts For Fresh Inspiration)

How was your year? Are you feeling organized, clear-headed and ready to take on 2024? Or are you feeling like your biggest accomplishment of late is remembering to brush your teeth in the morning and getting yourself and/or your kids fed and dressed in a reasonable amount of time?

2023 has been a lot of the latter for me. In years past, I’ve usually taken time before the new year to take inventory of the previous year and brainstorm/visualize new habits to put in place - not the case this time!

A lot of 2023 for me has been allowing myself to embrace the season of life that I’m in. In addition to owning a business, I’m also a wife and a mother to three kids (including a rambunctious 15-month-old boy)...and we’ve been living in a tent due to a mold issue or traveling for the better part of the year. 

Needless to say, life has felt a bit chaotic lately. And my introverted personality has really missed having regular moments of solitude and silence to collect my thoughts and assess, dream and plan. 

BUT, I’ve also found so much joy in serving my family and imperfectly allowing myself to simply “be” during this full season of life. My own dreams and desires for myself and my company will still be there waiting for me in 2024, but my day-to-day family life will look a whole lot different than it does today.

My baby boy won’t need me as much a year from now, my middle daughter will be officially done with her toddler/preschool days and starting kindergarten, and my oldest will be an independent third grader. 

So no matter what this year has looked like for you, I hope you can enjoy where you’re at. If you’re in a place to create and carry out a comprehensive plan to improve your health, career, or something else - awesome! I would encourage you to take full advantage of that space/freedom and run with it! 

But if not, I pray that you’ll be able to give yourself grace and find joy in embracing your current season of life - whatever that may look like. 

XO, Bethany

P.S. If you’re looking for some fresh new year inspiration, here’s a collection of our most-loved blog posts from 2023, as well as my top picks from years past. Hope you enjoy!

5 Most-loved Blogs of 2023:

  1. Honey For Skin? Check Out These Nourishing Benefits + Where It Comes From
  2. What Is Beef Tallow? (What It Is + Why You're Going To Love Tallow For Skin)
  3. The Ultimate Guide To Using A Dry Brush: Everything You Need In One Place
  4. Wanting To Try The Viral Mouth-Taping Trend? Here's The Full Scoop
  5. 7 Natural Remedies To Resolve Under-Eye Bags, Dark Circles, and Wrinkles

Bethany’s Top 5 All-time Favs: 

  1. I Did a 6 Day Water-Only Fast And This Is What I Learned
  2. 5 Important Reasons We Don’t Believe In Wearing Sunscreen Everyday
  3. Experiencing An Underarm Rash From Natural Deodorant? Here's How To Help
  4. Ingredient Spotlight: Why Astaxanthin Benefits Your Skin and More
  5. 6 Incredible Benefits of Dry Brushing (Plus How To Dry Brush)

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From Our Founder: A New Take On The New Year (Plus Her Top 5 Posts For Fresh Inspiration) | Primally Pure Skincare