Does CBD Oil Really Work? I Used CBD Products Daily And Here's What Happened

Does CBD Oil Really Work? I Used CBD Products Daily And Here's What Happened

I’m actually quite giddy as I sit to report on my past month using CBD products daily, both internally and topically.

To be quite honest, I don’t think I could truly ever go back to my pre-CBD-using self. She just wasn’t as chill and her skin didn’t look as good. I guess you could say CBD gave me the glow up that I didn’t know I needed and I have emerged as Sarah 2.0 ready to take on 2021.

All jokes aside, the past 30 days of consistently adopting the use of CBD Oil, has without a doubt, done more for me personally than any other wellness trend I have taken on.

I mean I fell off the celery juice trend (although I do enjoy it from time to time), gua sha is still very prominent in my routine and intermittent fastingwas an eye-opener and taught me a lot.

CBD, however, has actually caused me to have a breakthrough in one of my biggest struggles, anxiety.

I can’t remember a time that I didn’t battle being anxious. It’s something I’ve worked on overcoming for years and years, and while it never completely goes away, if you find the right tools to manage it, you can experience a lot of relief.

For those #blessed individuals that can’t relate, the best way I can describe Generalized Anxiety Disorder is to imagine operating in your day-to-day, and in the corner of your mind, you have these repetitive unsettling “what if” thoughts that distract you from the present moment. Your subconscious mind is in overdrive which can really wreak havoc on a person’s well-being – leading to all kinds of unwanted psychosomatic symptoms (hello panic attacks).

Although I have had little breakthroughs throughout the years, I have to say that one of the biggest breakthroughs happened this past month when I began consistently taking CBD.

The first week, I was unsure if anything was actually improving. It takes time to notice the effects of CBD and like any other wellness trend, consistency is the key. By week two, I was experiencing better sleep and also noticing less stress.

Prior to my days at Primally Pure, I used to take doctor-prescribed anxiety medication and, while that may have done the trick in preventing my unwanted panic attacks, the kind of calm that CBD has given me is not even comparable to the groggy, brain-fogged zombie that I became when on prescription medication. Yes, my panic attacks were gone, but in their place, I had a plethora of other side effects to battle, so I think I’ll pass on that grass (pun intended).

The kind of calm CBD has provided is a more grounded, focused calm.

I would take one dropper full in the morning and one in the evening. I was hesitant in taking my first dose in the morning – I didn’t want to end up too relaxed and lack productivity, but this hasn’t been the case at all. If anything, I feel like it helped my (self-diagnosed) ADD and anxiety all in one (do I sound like a fun person or what?!).

I am less on edge and able to respond better to everyday stressors. Also, I find peace of mind knowing that my form of use of the hemp plant is non-intoxicating – so I know I won’t find myself in a moment of weakness Doordashing tacos at 11pm or something of that sort.

If all of that wasn’t beneficial enough, I also started using our Soothing Mask +CBD and Soothing Serum +CBD. I used the Soothing Serum +CBD daily as a part of my nighttime regimen and I would apply the Soothing Mask +CBD once or twice a week.

One thing I noticed is that I managed to avoid getting cystic acne around that special time of the month.

I referenced Courtney’s blog and concluded that this was due to the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits that work to balance oil production – and it inhibits the buildup of dead skin cells to keep skin clear and acne-free. I also have found that in the winter months my skin becomes more dry, reactive and prone to sensitivity, but now, I feel like my complexion is just like my mind – more calm and also reaping the benefits of this skin superfood.

After the past month, I am so glad to report that I have found a wellness trend that is really worth sticking with for the long haul. If you’re on the fence and looking to add a sense of zen to your skin and self, I think CBD might just be a fit for you as well.

Have you given CBD products a try? Tell us about it below! XO


Our how-to girl, Sarah, spills all the details of using CBD products for 30 days. Do they really work? Click here to find out! | Primally Pure Skincare

Sarah Navares

Sarah Navares is a beach dwelling wife and mama of 2 who joined the Primally Pure Team in 2017 with a passion for connecting with customers and influencers alike. Sarah has a passion for approaching wellness in a simplistic, practical (and humorous!) way and has raised her hand to be the PP Team's human guinea pig, keeping you up to date on the latest wellness trends and her attempts to implement them. When Sarah's not at the PP HQ, she spends her time hanging out with her hubby, sipping wine and BBQing on the beach.

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